the berbers built these kasbahs. they made them like forts and here they would reside after finishing their caravans. now, i'd like to show you the materials that were used to build the walls. it's far away, about four hours. there's a clinic that's a little closer, about an hour and a half to the south. by bus it'll take us about two hours and a half though. yes, but it's the closest thing we've got. we can take her to my town. it's near here and there's a doctor. in the meantime we can call erfourd for an ambulance. make a right onto the next road. yes sir, this is my house. here. here. if you have the number of the embassy, i can go call. of course, come with me. she can take care of her. hold and release the tourniquet every once in a while. no, not here. we need your phone. i'll pay for the call. in tazarine, three hours southwest of erfoud. i'll call erfoud so they send one over. they've already gone to look for him. she's hurt, we had to take care of her. don't be paranoid and go help find the doctor. about an hour and a half. it's coming from alnif. my brother already called a doctor, he's coming. trust my grandmother; she knows a lot about remedies. miss, my grandmother is going to help you. allah be with you. he says he is very sorry about your wife. can he ask you some questions? he asks if you have any enemies in this country. why did you come to morocco? he has no idea. what do you do for a living? he edits magazines. anti-muslim magazines? no, normal magazines. he wants to get his wife out of here. he wants to know if the ambulance is on its way. he says the federal police are already in charge, that they are going to send the ambulance. yep, she's married, she doesn't live here anymore. he gives you his blessing. the doctor's here. he says she will be fine. he has to sew up her wounds. no, he doesn't use anesthetic. he's a veterinarian, but he is good. if he doesn't sew up the wound, she may bleed to death. he says she has a broken bone and he has to put a splint on it. don't move, miss. the bullet is still inside you. thank you, yamil. the fourth of eight. do you have kids? just two? you should have more. i can only afford one. no, this is where my family lives. i live in marrakesh. but i come whenever i can. when did you know? a while ago. he says the ambulance broke down. he wants you to call another ambulance. there isn't another ambulance. he asks how we're going to get the woman out of here. he says your embassy will deal with the matter. they're going to try to send a helicopter. where? what happened? in alnif, an hour and a half away from here. he thanks you for lending us the car. good luck, mister. no sir, no. allah be with you.