tell him to call us. and don't be scared, we're not going to do anything bad to him. hello. they told me you wanted to talk to me. i'm sorry. is there something you wanted to tell me? do you have tea? "my father had nothing to do with my mother's death," what's this? your father was asleep when she jumped off the balcony? you saw her jump? you've already told the other officers? i don't know what you're talking about. it's about a hunting rifle in his name. does your father still hunt? there was an incident with a rifle in your father's name. that's why we want to talk to him. no, your father isn't going to jail. we just need to talk to him. i have to go now. thank you. i have to go. what are you doing? no, no, no. this is wrong. no, i can't. you're just a girl. enough, please. you don't have to apologize for anything. good night. good evening, i'm lieutenant mamiya. sir, there was an incident and. i don't mean to bother you, but. do you own a .270 caliber winchester 70 rifle with the registration number. uk-9023? is it true that you gave it to a mr. hassan ibrahim, who lives in southern morocco? he says he was your guide in a hunt. there was an attempted murder with that rifle, and the moroccan police want to confirm it's not off the black market. i don't know. not for the moment. you may have to go testify for your friend. good night. excuse me. your daughter told me about your wife on the balcony. i'm very sorry. about how your wife killed herself by jumping off the balcony. i'm very sorry sir, we won't bother you anymore. good night. another whisky. No thank you.