drop your weapon. drop it, now. get down on the floor. face down. do not get out of the car. don't get out. wait. stop. stop. don't run. a boy is walking this way. it doesn't look like it. a man is holding somebody injured. yes. is your full name amelia gloria jordn susilla? do you understand english? ma'am, it was a miracle that we found those kids. i don't know how you could leave them alone in the desert. your reckless behavior endangered their lives. that's none of your business, ma'am. you've committed serious crimes. no ma'am, you did not just do that. you took them to another country without their parents' permission and you put them in danger. but they are not your kids, ma'am. i don't have any information on him. we located the parents in morocco. they're very angry, but they've decided not to raise charges. nevertheless, the government of the united states has deemed you were seriously breaking the law and has decided to immediately and definitively deport you. you should've thought of that beforehand. if you attempt to take this to court, i assure you you will end up in jail. if you want my advice, accept the deportation and never come back.