yeah, yeah it's very pretty. what do you have that doesn't have fat in it? i'll have the fried eggplant and a diet coke. then a regular coke. richard, why did we come here? really: why are we here? alone? throw out the ice. yeah, but you don't know what kind of water is in there. you're the one stressing me out. you're why i can't relax. tried? don't you think i tried? do you even know what i'm talking about? oh, we didn't? then when are we supposed to "argue"? or are you planning on running away again? i don't have any money. i don't have any. what are you doing? i'm ok. i'm ok. it hurts, it hurts. it hurts. it hurts so much. don't touch me there. don't leave me here alone. can i have some water? no, water. thanks. where's my husband? get me out of here. please. i told you we shouldn't have come. no, not that. no, no. not that. what did he say? what do you mean stitches? richard, he might infect the wound. richard, don't let him. don't let him, don't let him. no, no. no. i hate you. i hate you. i don't give a shit. i want to call the kids. i want to talk to them. i want to talk to them. richard. richard. if i die, take care of the kids. especially mike, he really needs you. don't ever leave them again. i peed my pants. i couldn't hold it in and i peed. i need to pee again. i can't. now i can. i was scared too. when i saw pat lying still in his crib. it wasn't my fault, it wasn't. i couldn't do anything for him. forgive me for not forgiving you. so much. so much. yeah. ahhh. ahhh.