we believe you, walter. listen, i want to thank you. really. i really want to thank you fellows. well, i just want to thank you fellows. i don't know what to say. i just want to thank you. i will. i just want to say, eddie, that when the pirates invade ebbets field next tuesday night, i'm going to be sitting right there in section 37 there right with you. gee, that's right. no, i didn't forget. it's just that . gee, that's right. sunday. what's today, thursday? boy, it's here, isn't it? i guess i've been running around so much the last couple of weeks, i guess the wedding snuck up on me. it was sure nice of you fellows. de-witt c-l-i-n-t-o-n boom! clinton! oh, cli-inton! ever to theeeee! fairest of high schools . give her three times three oh, fellows . rah! rah! rah! long may we cherish thee faithful we'll be. clinton, oh, clinton for you and me . da-da-da-da-da . crash through that line of blue and send the backs around the end. rah! rah! rah! what movies? we're moving in with her mother and father. i don't know if that's such a good idea. what do you think? we haven't got an apartment yet, and we figure we'll live a year with her folks, save on the rent, see? she's a widow, and that bothers me a little. i don't know why. she's two years older than me. i don't know if you know that. her husband got killed in korea. she's a cousin of mine, you know. a third cousin, something like that. it's not good for cousins to marry, is it? what do you think of her? i know she's not terribly pretty, but i mean . sure. well, i'm getting married sunday. i swear, i never thought two months ago i was ever going to get married. i still don't know how it happened. i was just taking her out. i didn't know it was so serious. oh, sure. we're sitting in the car, so she says: "well, arnold, we've been going together six months now. i think it's time we decided whether we were being serious." i didn't know it was so serious. i didn't even know we were going together. i just took her out every now and then. i can't even remember what she looks like! i just saw her this afternoon! boy, i tell you. it's for the rest of your life when you get married. this is a big decision to make. i could be making a serious mistake. i got a quarter to nine. don't you think we ought to clean up the place? eddie, please . look, fellows, it's been a nice clean party . thanks a lot, kennie. i want to thank you for the presents, kennie. honestly, i never expected any presents. i want to thank all you fellows . this has been one of the nicest nights of my life. thanks a lot. so what do you think of my girl, eddie? you met her. be honest with me. tell me the truth. i had the feeling you didn't like her. listen, charlie, i'd like to ask you a little advice. i mean, you're a married man. this girl, i'm supposed to marry, she's all right, but i'm not really attracted to her, you know what i mean? that's important, isn't it? i kissed her a couple of times, but i . i don't know why i'm getting married, charlie. i said, i don't know why i'm getting married. i did pretty good for thirty-two years without getting married. i get along fine at home. my mother's a good cook. i have a nice life. what do i want to break it all up for? yeah? did i ever show you a picture of my girl? do you want to see a picture? i want you to give me your honest impression, charlie. she isn't much, is she? well, i wouldn't say that. we were matched up, you know. the families kind of agreed on it. i was brought over to her by my mother and father. that's how i met her. she's some kind of tenth cousin. she's all right. she's quiet. i kissed her a couple of times. she just sat there and i kissed her. i think she expected more. she even asked me that. she said to me: "are you afraid of me?" i really don't go out with women much. you know. don't tell nobody this, charlie, but you aren't going to believe this, but i never . i mean, you wouldn't believe that a guy of my age, i never . don't tell anybody i ever told you this, but i never-- i mean, charlie, she's a widow. she's been married already -- she's going to expect a lot -- and i never ---- what do you think i ought to do? i mean, you think i ought to marry her? because i'm thinking of calling the whole thing off. i'm scared stiff, charlie. i'm not much of a talker, and she's one of those quiet ones. what are you supposed to do with your wife? i mean, most of the time. i do that now with my mother. so what do you think i ought to do? you think i ought to go through with this marriage? one what? ah, come on, eddie. come on, let's go. all right, all right. she says we have the wrong idea. yeah, i'm all right, it's just . you want to come with me, charlie? i think i should. i don't know. i'm just scared. don't tell eddie. why don't we just sit here for ten minutes or so? don't ever tell anybody. please, charlie. i got a little over a buck. all right, all right, fellows. all right, all right, come on. come on, let's go . gee . where are we getting off? next stop? poor walter, huh? i didn't know he was so sick. eddie -- eddie. so what do you think, eddie? you think i ought to go through with this marriage? so, eddie, what do you think? you think i ought to marry her, go to china, or what? so, eddie. i did it. i just woke her up! i called her! i said: "i'm not going to marry you. what do i want to marry you for? i'm having a ball. what am i going to marry you for?" well, thanks a lot, charlie. yeah, i'm all right. i'm a little groggy, but i'm awake anyway. you don't want to come in, do you? i think my father and mother are up. i hear voices. my girl must have called them because they wouldn't be up at this hour. i think she's here. my girl. i think i hear her voice in there. what'll i say to her, charlie? i think i like her, charlie. it's just that i'm afraid i won't make a good husband. i'm going to tell her about that woman tonight and everything. i'll tell her about that woman. i'll see you, charlie. i'll see you, charlie. hello, louise. i'm very sorry, honest.