you think it's too early to call my mother? hello, ma, did i wake you up? this is helen. well, i'll be going to work, and i wanted to get ahold of you before i left. i called you last night. where were you and pop anyway? i kept calling you every half hour up till one o'clock. oh, yeah? did you have a nice time? . do you need any of this or can i take them off the table? how late were you up last night? who's getting married? oh, yeah. do you want to go, charlie? what have you got -- cost accounting? i think you ought to take off a night. you ought to go, have a little fun for yourself. i think you need that. you go to work all day, you go to school all night. you can miss one night, charlie. that's a good philosophy to start a marriage with. i think you oughta go, charlie. i know you're upset about the baby. come on, charlie. i know how you feel. listen, you don't have to pretend you're excited about the baby. we weren't exactly planning on a baby right now . it's a shock. i had some bad days before i told you. i said: "oh, boy, that's all we need. a baby." then i said to myself: "if i'm having a baby, i'm having a baby. that's all there is to it." and i like the idea. we're going to have a family, charlie. i like the idea. i know you will, charlie. that's why i think you ought to go to this bachelor party tonight. don't be silly. what are you sorry about? don't i yell at you all the time? hiya, julie. i was beginning to think you weren't coming. yeah, your mother was very sweet. listen, let me make you a cup of tea or something. soda, anything like that? i told you he-- what are they going to do, get a little drunk? can you picture charlie getting drunk and picking up a girl? charlie's old sobersides. you should have seen what i went through to get him to make a pass at me. he's so sweet. nobody knows how really sweet he is, he's so quiet all the time. my brother died in september, he used to stay up with me till three, four o'clock every night. i used to cry all night, and he used to sit on the bed and talk with me. i used to look at him talking there, and i used to think: "what would i do without this sweet man here? i'd go crazy." you know, you like to be a little cynical sometimes, julie. you like to talk about all the affairs everybody's husband is having. do you know actually one woman whose husband is actually playing around? you're kidding, aren't you? are you all right, julie? oh, i know. charlie and i hardly even see each other. oh, i will, julie . oh, it's not just he's ambitious . oh, i don't want him to quit. he loves accounting, julie. i see him sometimes, sitting over his homework. he's got his ledgers out, and he's adding up columns of figures as long as his arm. and he's chuckling. you'd think he was reading the comics. he has a book there, business law. how he can read it i don't know. but i'll be watching television or something, and he'll come over, and he'll start telling me about some fine legal point. i don't know what he's talking about, but it's enough for me to see how excited it makes him. he loves it, julie. you can't take something like that away from him. it's just -- it's just i feel we're not really close any more. i mean, he comes home from school, lots of times i'm asleep already. and, when i do see him, he seems all involved with himself. he looks at me sometimes as if i were a stranger to him, and i feel sometimes i am. i'm afraid of that, julie. you don't mean that, julie. i wouldn't even think about it. let's not even think about it. if i even mentioned it, he'd -- he'd hit me, i think. i want this baby, julie. i've wanted this baby for a long time. it's the only thing i've ever asked of charlie. if i mentioned that to him -- i don't know what he'd do. hello. hello, charlie, where are you calling from? . you sound like you're having a nice time. oh, you're having a ball, huh? . well, what time do you think you'll be coming home? just a minute, charlie. excuse me a minute, julie. it's charlie. charlie? . charlie, come on home now. no, i feel all right. i just miss you. julie's here, and we were talking about you, and i just miss you. ah, come on. well, no, if you're having such a good time, stay out and enjoy yourself. no, charlie, i don't want you to come home if you're having a good time. i'm not lonely. julie's here. we're talking. i was washing some things. i know, that's what i told you this morning. you've finally got a night off for yourself. i don't want you to feel guilty about it. charlie, do you love me? . you sound angry. no, come home any time you want. charlie . charlie, there's no girls at this party, are there? . i'm not checking up on you, charlie. i just miss you, that's all. all right, charlie, please, i don't want to argue with you. julie's in the living room. . all right, have a good time, stay out as long as you want. all right, charlie, good- bye. hiya, have a nice time? sure. it's in the drawer. what's the matter, charlie? it's not so bad, charlie. charlie . maybe i shouldn't have the baby? you really don't want this baby. you're my husband, charlie. this is your baby too. that doesn't mean anything to you. for the first time in our marriage i feel i can't depend on you, charlie -- i'm not important to you. i could make my life sound hard, too, charlie. i work all day, i rush home, i make you dinner. i sit home alone four nights a week, i'm even alone when you're here because when do i see you? but it was easy for me because i loved you. do you think i care whether you're an accountant or a ditch digger, or even out of work? all i ever wanted was you. and this baby because it's you, too. leave me alone, charlie. i don't care . i don't care what you do, charlie. i love you so much, charlie. i love you so much. i love you, charlie, i love you, charlie. i love you, charlie .