hey, you guys, what's going on? great. i'll go with you. wait a second. hey, raul! move that car, will you? roberto, you finished fixing that lighter yet? i'm glad you guys came by. what's the occasion? yeah. what is it? too bad, man, that blows my chance to be ambassador to france. manuel, be sure and finish up the electrical system on that chevy. yeah, he's really got his thing together. man, you're losing your audience. you're kidding. hey, man, congratulations! yeah, man. let's throw a bachelor party with drugs, booze and broads. to girls with big pairs. yeah, man, he's got us a great room at the hotel and lots of chicks. what time are we supposed to get to the hotel? when do the girls get to the party? detroit? where's the women, man? we gotta have women. sex is my one thing. i'm good at it. they're danish, i know it. i'm crazy for danes. i'd like to jerk and press those babies. what a waste of two women. women! if i was ricky ricardo i would beat the shit out of that chick. nothing. we got no women. yeah. real nice. ah, excuse me. i'll be right back. how could you be so stupid. i'm gonna kill you. hurry back. hey, man, your car's looking good. out front. i have returned! you! mine! i'm not gonna hassle you. don't worry. you look beautiful. you're an angel. a madonna. how'd you know all that stuff? you're a real brain. wow! good luck, laverne. hey, you guys, i'm getting married. we're gonna make lots of kids. what the hell happened? hey, man, don't forget my bachelor party's next friday night.