right over here. bobbie, what are you talking about? yes, it's true. would you get out of here. he still thinks i'm going with him. i'm going to break the news to him tomorrow. no. as far as they're concerned the only good rick is a dead rick. but i don't care. it's my decision. oh, that's really sweet. i'd love that. god, you're a slob. what are we having? i think your dinner's burning. want to hear something great? bobbie and phoebe are throwing me a shower. it's really gonna be fun. you're going to have a bachelor party? it looks awful. are you going to have women at your party? i'm not talking about does. i'm talking about hookers. because from what i've heard, it's a tradition and you're a traditional guy. cole?. cole! cole? cole, we've got to talk. no, cole, i. cole, listen to me. i've got to tell you. cole, i'm marrying rick. i'm not. i just thought i should tell you myself before you heard it somewhere else. cole, i'm sorry, i. i'm going now, cole. you do, daddy. great, mom. ilene, why would i want to do that? i trust rick. ilene, rick promised. why is cole here? cole, what are you doing here? i can't sleep. stop fooling around. i need to talk. i don't know. i just feel scared. the wedding, my parents, your family, our friends, my job, the future, our relationship, the caterers, my gown, your tuxedo, our honeymoon, the apartment, my shower, your bachelor party. before or after i have my nervous breakfown? that feels so great. um. that's very relaxing. larry, how are you? you better not have too much joy. gonna get married. gee, i really love you. can't i just go with you guys? remember, you promised. no screwing around. you're really pissing me off. your mother's not dead. have a good time. don't make it too late. i love you. what do you think's gonna go on at the guys' party? what do you mean? you're kidding. tina! you know everyone here, don't you? it's so heavy. are you sure this is a good idea? that doesn't mean it was rick's party. c'mon, mother, it'll be fun. c'mon, mom. ilene, we don't really know that. i feel like i'm spying on rick. i don't believe we're doing this. yes, we're looking for the stahl party. quiet, mother. guys, take it easy. guys. let's give them what they want. let's go. everyone inside. right in here. the big show starts in one minute. let's go. ilene, are you crazy? i hope those guys are all right. no, not yet. where is he? don't turn on the lights, sugar. i'll lead you around. why don't you get undressed. i can't trust you! rick, you're lying! let go of me! the marriage is off. now you can screw around with your friends for the rest of your life. and i want to be with someone who understands the meaning of the word commitment. i don't believe you. yes. let's get naked. daddy? yeah. you're so romantic.