screw you. screw that. don't jerk me around. you promised me 1500 seats for the police concert. 1500, not fifteen!. screw that. screw you -- screw sting. hi, guys. screw you. hello, concert tickets. what? pat benitar has a yeast infection? she's cancelling? screw her. you know what this is gonna cost me?. okay. let's go. screw you. that's crap. suck my. oh, mom, i didn't know it was you. eggs and milk. okay, i won't forget. let's go. oh, eat me! okay. we're all here. rick, what's the big announcement? i don't believe it. wait a minute. you been living with debbie! why do you want to get married? next saturday. that's just two more weeks to live. let's have a toast. to us. so we want your best girls, the cream of your crop. they'll do just fine. hiya, girls. look, after the orgy, maybe we could have coffee. park view hotel, room 1002. okay. nice to meet you both. how's it going, guys? what's going on? screw you. this place should have been wall to wall tits by now. i'm going to see what the hell happened. screw that. jumbo, where the hell are the women? your whores never showed up. screw you! what are you. why? this is bad public relations. i was planning to do a lot of business with you. but now i'm going to have to go elsewhere. that's more like it. yes. go ahead, but if you want women, we need more money. screw you. do me a favor, join this decade, will ya, pal! i'll be back with women. ladies. come here. let's talk. you're a pimp? i want women. i'll take some. i need them for a bachelor party at the park view hotel. sold. 45 minutes. no problem. milt? i just bet my balls and shook on it. surprise! the team bus just pulled in. hi. rick, i really think i'm in love. this time it's real. she's wonderful. i'll get the hookers.