all right, who serves? rick, hit the ball easier, son. you don't have to kill it. no. let's at least finish the set. rick, i want to cut through the b.s. good. i think you're an asshole. no, let me correct that, an immature asshole. which is fine, except you're marrying my daughter and i'm afraid my grandchildren are going to be little assholes. let me finish. debbie's an adult. she can do what she wants. but if you want your marriage to last, you're going to have to change some things about yourself. if i may make some suggestions. first, you're a slob. you have to dress for success. second, your outlook on life. in a second. and you're irresponsible. show some initiative, try to better yourself, stop showing off, actions speak louder than words. not at all. we're just finishing lunch. so, cole, you been practicing your game? nice shot. i know you're as unhappy as i am about debbie's marriage to rick. cole, i don't want you to give up on her. it's not her mind you need to change. it's disneyland head in there. if it were me, i'd reason with him first. then, if that failed. . i'd take more persuasive action. keep me informed. the thought of that person marrying my daughter makes me want to upchuck. no? that's his best man peeing on a tree. he's just trying to save you from making a mistake. a big mistake. my pleasure, al. always happy to help out in a pinch. excuse me. i better call my service. tell them where i am. i had to get out of the house anyway tonight. the wife is throwing a bridal shower for my daughter. this is ed thomerson. please transfer my calls to. 220-1892. right. a real turd. so, he's playing hard ball. well, two can play that game. go after him. stop at nothing. you hear me? well, tell the asshole to shut up. sorry, i can't hear you. some pin head's yelling. shut up, i'm talking here. now look, i want you to go back and i don't care what you do. stop that marriage. great bathing suit. and i know that guy from somewhere, too. any time, al. cole, my god, boy, what are you doing here? what happened? take hold of yourself. what room are they in? all right, i'll go up there and take care of this myself. you look awful, son. go find yourself some clothes. rick! this is it. you're through. when debbie hears about this she'll never see you again. now i'm calling the cops to break up this sex orgy. and toss your ass in jail! no sob story is going to change my mind. i never liked you. i've never liked any of your friends. i've hated you from the first time i saw you. and now you are out of my life. you are out of my life! ebbie. ger. umph. lable. the phone made me do it! no, brett, i. we'll have morons for grandkids. but. at least we'll have grandkids. oh, god almighty.