medium deal. get us some backup! we need some goddamn backup! why baby mccaffrey, how ya doin'? know him? i practically raised him. and he never calls, he never writes. oh these moments do try me. wash it to the windows? it's gonna flash, stevie. we gotta get behind it. hey! probie! we're still workin' here, man. but it didn't. guy knows. hey, baby mccaffrey. first one's the clincher. you did okay. ah, everybody screws up some, brian. you're working for the toughest lt. on the job. saw him once pick up a probie he thought was moving too slow and throw him into a burning building. it's just bad luck you're family. you're in firemanland now, swayzak. do yourself a favor and just walk away. that's franny. she likes firemen. gentlemen, please. as 17's official toastmaster -- thank you, santos. did i happen to mention that you were cut out of my will? i think it appropriate that we recognize the two asswipes -- i mean probationary firemen -- among us who today were baptized officially into the world of old man fire. first to tim, who despite being handicapped at birth with a rather dull expression and a really hideous pair of ears, not only took on the beast but pulled from its clutches -- assisted by a more famous and brilliant firefighter -- me -- a kicking and screaming civilian that will probably end up suing us for breaking her fingernail. and to brian, who's own contribution was both more beautiful and less likely to sue. y'know, when i heard that both mccaffrey brothers were going to be assigned together here, well, my heart was filled with. a sudden desire to transfer. so raise a glass, lads. to funny- looking tim, and the mccaffrey brothers, who despite years of getting on each other's nerves have managed with great effort. to still be pissed off at each other. gentlemen! fuckin' city transferred sally three months ago out of parking violations into swayzak's office. now i gotta pay my own goddamn tickets and she's stuck with an asshole. goddamn it, stephen, lay off! you stupid dumbshit, you never know when to fucking quit, do you? you ever wonder why your career's in the fucking toilet? why you're gonna be stuck a lt. for life? maybe you should have gotten more sleep last night. it's just new. couple'a shifts and it'll be as thrashed as the rest. it's okay. this job. this fuckin' job sometimes. to buy it trying to go the extra yard, man, that's one thing, but to buy it just because there wasn't any back-up. it's bullshit. yeah. biggest in two battalions. what the hell's the matter with you, huh? you're steppin' in the shit again. you could've done it. you don't want this. wake up, kid. let's wait for a back-up, stephen. we're early on this one, it hasn't even broke out yet. we're one short as it is with brian gone. it isn't safe, man. don't go splittin' us up. not with this one. let me take the lead, stephen. oh god! oh god no! he's alive. aw man, stephen, listen to me. they were killing firemen, man. when sally showed me what was in swayzak's files. they were my friends, i had to do it. i had to do it for the department. that was an accident! jesus christ, why did you have to go in there so fucking early? why didn't you listen to me! you gotta let me finish -- -- shut up! your dad would fucking puke if he saw how you've shit on his department! -- you can't let him turn you against your friends, man -- -- you know what swayzak would do to the department if this got out? -- -- what he would do to your dad's department? you gotta let me finish it -- what do you want me to do, stephen? talk to me. what am i supposed to do? stevie. i. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry.