is this a joke? you walked out on this academy six years ago. one week to graduation. you think we forgot that? you think i did? look, everybody remembers your old man. being his son, all you had to do was breathe to graduate here. dead hero father rule. but you blew us off. why should i take you back? -- i don't give a damn what your test scores were, maybe you could have been a good firemen, but you had your shot. sorry, but it's out of my hands. try again next year. even if you graduate this academy, you've still got nine months of probation. that's hard duty, son. if you don't really love this job, it'll kill you. though the world changes every day, some things are truly forever: courage, devotion, and honor in what we do. this class is a special one, for we dedicate it to the three firefighters that have fallen this year: donald knowlton, richard walter and michael petzold. ladies and gentlemen, it is with pleasure that i certify that candidate class number 322, having successfully completed all academy requirements, are hereby graduated to the chicago fire department.