i'm sorry. boys, i do believe we have a barbecue. i hate it when we gotta fucking go look for it. you go, we go. sorry to hear about the mannequin. i heard you two were close. stephen man, what's going through that guy's head? takin' it on in the first room. this shit's happening too often. it could've flashed. should've flashed. guy's lucky. stevie, c'mon man. that's the thing. you can't stay unless he likes you. -- c'mon! c'mon! go! go! no! c'mon! this way! heard you didn't make the list for captain, man. i'm sorry. aw, i don't believe this shit. whadda we gonna do about this? ooooh, like the tie. love the tie. little to the right. further. further. right behind there. hey, could you hand me that pike pole? sorry, maybe that wasn't it after all. jesus tim, if you're going to kill yourself at least wait till the fire, it's better p.r. these high-rise gigs give me the creeps. they're not saying. stevie? rimgale's here to see you. he just wants to -- we gotta roll, stevie. they're waitin' man. shit. it's going! clear the roof! now!