brian? you look like. brian. 'bout written you off. how long have you been in town? four months? oh brian. you guys. you really know how to put each other through it, don't you? yeah, you'd be surprised what three years can do to a kid. stephen told him you were killed in a hot tub accident. stephen's not staying here now, brian. he moved out last april. you guys ought to try picking up a phone once in awhile. stephen, i'm kinda busy here, can we talk about this later? here we go. stephen, what are you doing here? it's not your roof anymore. he's got piano lessons. he's going to be a fireman. stephen, you gotta stop just showing up on the roof like this. -- you remember. the great communicator. he deserved it. he was born deserving it. okay. you treated me like shit. you want some coffee? what's wrong, stephen? c'mon, you only beat up the roof when something's on your mind. how's brian doing? i know he's out, but how's he doing? ah stephen, that's what this is really about, isn't it? you always have to be right. yeah? when was the last time? you can't keep being his father. stephen? what's wrong? stephen. i. can i talk to you a second. -- no, that's okay. it's just sean. i don't want to confuse him, stephen. it's. it's just things have changed. you're the same, stephen, but things are different now. you've got a son. you're the best at what you do stephen, you always were, but you scare me now.