brian. you're back. thanks for calling. huh. not quite. just visiting. i live in lincoln park now. i work for city hall. what, you think i just dried up and blew away when you left? the world does turn once in awhile brian, even without your permission. you've certainly matured. i don't want to be your friend, brian. you used that last week. i wanted to talk to you about alan seagrave's death. we still haven't gotten a fire report from your office. --the point is, investigator, you haven't even told us yet if the fire was accidental. we're starting to get the feeling your office is dragging out this case to embarrass the alderman because of his fire dept. reorganization program -- we'd just be very disappointed if it turned out your office was playing politics. when i was twenty. look, i'm not the same girl who had nothing better to do than wrap her legs around you on a saturday night. this isn't about fun. i'm working here. let me tell you something. martin swayzak is going to be this town's next mayor. why do you think marty came here tonight? because he cares about your department. you don't know how hard he works. you don't know about his programs helping west side -- bullshit. marty's plan is only about efficiency. i've got two cousins on the job, you think i'd work for him if i didn't believe in it? -- tom, how nice to see you. i know marty'll be very happy you came. thanks so much for the donation. marie. how's little kevin? really? seen the polls? this is the year. -- the thing that really makes me angry is the way your union has -- yeah, well i like to think i'm just a little past hanging out on jp ii watching the irish pick fights and litwalks barf in the planters. brian, this is my boss, alderman swayzak. brian's a big fan of yours. boy, took you all of thirty seconds to blow that. brian, do you always have to be so stupid? think about your future for once. look, i didn't mean to take a piece out of you back there, i just thought you'd call when you came back. you didn't and. don't blow it just because of this garbage between us. ah those mccaffreys. just hate leaving a party with anyone left standing. i'll take it in my office. brian? okay. i'll arrange things with your assignment captain. marty's a good man, brian. straightest answer your department's given me all week. how's it going? green committed to a thousand. there's another fund-raising party tonight. marty'd really like you to come. i could use a date. hi. if you weren't at least the 300th person to ask me that, i'd probably be pissed. boy, you sure know it's a man's world sometimes. you think that's really any of your business? marty did. but i wanted you to come to. how's the job going? boy, rimgale's as slow as a snail, isn't he? yeah, but it doesn't take albert einstein just to figure out if these guys were killed by accidents or not. but rimgale's probably going to come around to arson. save me. got anything to drink in there? homey. do you miss it? you seem like you do. then why did you quit? so show me your fire truck. uh huh. tell me about the playpipe again. what's going on? what are they doing? brian. what's wrong? i didn't know it was a secret. there aren't supposed to be secrets between the city and its investigators -- will you please keep your voice down, there's people -- i was doing my job. let me ask you something, do you really think marty had you assigned to arson because of your firefighting skills? who the hell are you kidding? i was there, remember? i saw you and your brother -- oh yeah, he's the real fireman. who are you? just another probie working for swayzak -- you knew what we were asking you to do. don't suddenly pull out a conscience now. the fit isn't right. oh brian. hi. we still talking? look, i'm sorry about the other day -- i don't know anything about it. do you know what you're asking me to do? y'know, four years ago i was working in a bakery. two years ago i was bringing marty coffee and he didn't even know my name. i run that office now. marty believed in me and i believe in him. you want me to just throw that away? latest polls came in, marty. marty? jesus christ, marty, what's going on? we've come a long way together, marty. i've staked my whole career on you. and now you're sneaking around this office, leaking things to the papers behind my back. is there something you're not telling me about these deaths? just take it. that's a dumb thing to say. goodbye, brian. i quit two days ago, brian. i don't have the slightest idea. it's a small town.