okay, alan seagrave and donald cosgrove. both deaths due to close encounters with stationary objects; office door for mr. cosgrove, '89 porsche for mr. seagrave. no non-relevant traumas. no significant blood toxicology. attitude of both trajectories consistent with explosions. they ran the residue you scraped from both crispers' front doors. it's a combination of plumber's putty and rayophene gum. burns almost completely away when you light it. there's something else kinda interesting. see this? guess he didn't leave home without it. anyway, down here, take a look. jesus christ, he isn't gonna try to sell you insurance, lift him. see that patch of shirt? we wondered about the discoloration so he ran a spectro. on a lucky shot we picked up some traces of trychticholorate. nobody around here had ever heard of it. probably got in cosgrove's clothes in a gas state from the fire. that's your job.