roger, paul. how's it going, guys? investigator rimgale. people are asking how a prominent taxpayer got stuffed through the windshield of his own car. they're asking me. -- because i'm not. i care about this city, and i care about this department -- i wish i could just fire the son of a bitch. look lt., i'm on your side. if there's a problem, please, work with our task force to fix it. you see that funny glow that's starting to blink in the corner of your eye, lt? that's your career dissipation light -- and it just went into overtime. brian mccaffrey, right? and i'm a huge fan of what you did to save that woman, brian. no need to be modest, brian. -- that really was incredibly work you did. you and your brother, fighting fires together, helluva image, isn't it? you must feel lucky to be assigned under his command. brian, let me come to the point. i'd like to offer you a job. this one's still with the fire department. one of our best investigators, don rimgale, is working on a very difficult, visible case right now. we think he could use another pair of hands and you're exactly the kind of guy i want representing us: an authentic hero from a traditional firefighting clan. not every job in the fire department comes with a tombstone, brian. this could be a great opportunity to move. beyond a fire engine. go get him. mr. mccaffrey. it isn't mine. let's get a picture. larry! what does he do again? mr. mccaffrey. keeping busy? inspector. when are you going to catch the prick that's doing this, don? don't you have any leads at all? jesus, open your eyes! seagrave, cosgrove, and now holcomb -- fried in a goddamn high-rise! just catch the son of a bitch. leave me alone. no. investigator. i'm a little busy right now --