max, my little carina. it's been a long time. and who's your friend? come on, julie. come in, max. welcome to the al capone suite. thev're stepped into a grand, opulent suite. high arched ceilings. magnificent antique furniture. killer view. no party guests. i'm not kidding. capone had the place fixed up with secret passages and hidden stairways. can you dig it? people were actually killed within these walls. he's moved behind them and reveals a concealed staircase that rises into darkness. wow, maxi. i thought you dropped off the edge of the earth and died. either that or you moved to california. no. don't go yet. we can party. just us three. look at what eddie's got to play with. from underneath the couch eddie reveals a single key of heroin. max tries to hide the recognition that she just hit paydirt on the very first try. just a hooker -- our dope. that was the deal, yeah? right. until we got the money -- bam! fouchet shoots eddie in the knee. eddie screams! you fucker. fucker fucker fucker!!! hey, man. you need me.