evidence room. howard's waiting for you. hey, fellahs. what's the joke. really. i want to know. soon, though, the facade fades. francine knows she's been caught. it was a birthday party. you know, after hours. just the civilian staff. we were drinking. and everybody. they all had boy friends or their husbands. he was so nice to me. he said i was beautiful, too. i guess i wanted to believe him. he took some horrible pictures of me. i don't remember any of it. i'd had too much to drink. i wondered if he'd drugged me. later. he threatened to show them to my boys. my little angels. said he'd pin the pictures up on the grade school bulletin boards for all their classmates to see if i didn't do what he wanted. at first, it was about drug busts. dealers under surveillance. he'd steal from them before we could make the case. and then when the department gave the air conditioning to mr. orona. what do you say about someone who rips off drug dealers? a man like that ain't scared of nobody. not the police. not you guys. nobody. he's the scariest man i ever met. i have some more information for you, mr. fouchet. miami p.d.'s called in the d.e.a. task force. they know the deal's going down in just two hours. so they've deployed agents to every point of entry, airports, marinas, etc. yes.