okay. so what'd i miss? bad moods after a bad round of golf. i had blonde hair, then. sex addict. coke addict. redhead. only for two days. it wasn't even a phase. oooh. bad loser and bad, bad blonde. farrah, frosted kinda big bad blonde. oooh. max laughs. but that's my point. i remember my hair phases more than i remember the men. so, a party in a biltmore hotel suite? yeah, that'll really rock. a favor? mike lowrey. not again. will you just have sex with the man and get it over with. yeah, right. you're in love. well, i don't date cops. they never have enough money and they're always too tired to screw. excuse me? i need to use the bathroom. julie crosses to the bathroom. i need to talk to detective lowrey! you can get me detective lowrey! no. it's another murder case. listen! i just saw my best friend murdered. i'm soaking wet. i'm alone, i'm scared and i'll only talk to mike lowrey! i don't want to come downtown! i don't want police protection! if you can't gimme detective lowrey i'm just gonna blow town! intercut with: who's there? how do i know it's detective lowrey? yes! i wanna see it now! i'm not letting you through the fucking door until i do. hold it up to the peephole! burnett shows his shield. holds it up to the peephole. anybody can get one of those. you're not mike lowrey! the way max described you was different. prove it! wrong. julie swings for real, nearly taking burnett's head off. i saw it all. i watched him shoot her. like she was nothing. please shut the door. you're not what i expected. no. nobody. where are we going? duke! whoa! fuck that. i'll only deal with you. otherwise, i'll take my chances. burnett's getting a "not again" look on his face when -- kuh-boom! a shotgun blast blows the front door open. clutching the bag, julie races around the living room. luke?! where's my other dog?! all i remember is one of them had really bad hair. where are we going? no way. listen, no offense, but i don't trust anybody. believe me, it's not a new thing. especially when my life is at stake. i read the newspaper you know, people disappear all the time. i didn't really think about it. i guess it's your place or a plane ticket. your place is cheaper. so you choose. wrong? nice. very nice. all this on a cop's salary? right. what was your last pick? a horse in the number two race at pimlico? or did a bookie give you an inside tip. i'll ask you this only once, mike. are you on the take? and if you say no and i discover you're lying to me, i'll walk. are we clear? where are you going? you mean, you're going to leave me alone? in your place. with all your stuff? of course not. and i'm not a call girl, either. i know you didn't. i just thought you should know. just one more thing. julie steps forward and wraps her arms around burnett. it's a one-way hug. uncomfortable, burnett doesn't reciprocate other than a palsy pat on the back. thank you. for everything. aren't you going to -- you don't have to explain. finally, they've reached consensus. burnett grins and is out the door. that you, mike? at least your timing's good. can you bring me the lotion on the nightstand? burnett enters. julie has a towel wrapped around her body. thanks. so i was thinking. julie, obviously free with her body, suddenly drops the towel and starts applying lotion. burnett averts his eyes, turning around a full one-eighty, but finds himself facing a mirror. oops. looks left, another shiny surface. shit. the guy who killed max. now, he was looking for the heroin that eddie stole from him. max went to the party as a favor to you. you're a dope cop, right? so this isn't about max's death at all. it's about dope. there's some powder in there, too. can you hand that to me? mike? mike? burnett has disappeared into. time cut to: mike? i borrowed a t-shirt and some boxer shorts until we can somehow get back over to my place to pick up some clothes. hey, mike. who's the guy in all the pictures? burnett turns. and there behind julie is a wall full of photos that he's never, ever noticed. nearly all of lowrey. all ego. listen, mike. i've known a lotta guys. and i've seen a good number of their bedrooms, okay? but i've never seen. i mean, look at it. it's like a shrine to him. saved your life? okay, but mike. this is like a lot of pictures. i mean, this isn't something by the bedstand. this is a whole wall. and i know max said you were just friends. that's why i was thinking, maybe. you could be. gay. burnett reacts, then recovers with. i didn't mean to offend you. somethin' weird. sounded like three angels. he wasn't worried because he had three little angels on his shoulders tellin' him something. i didn't get the rest. i'm getting tired of looking at ugly people. i don't wanna take a break. then we'd have to talk and i got nothing to say to a cannibal. that was a living, breathing consciousness. it felt joy. sadness. maybe it even had a name. that flesh you're shoveling into your mouth. it was alive. some farmer fed it. got it to trust him. then blew its brains out, dumped it in a cement mixer with a ton of carcinogens and now you're eating it. no. at least finish it so i won't have to look at it. let's look at some more ugly people. wait. hold it. go back. that's him! that's one of 'em. and you used pledge to clean it up? well, that makes a big difference. you just varnished that into the fabric. i'm sure it works great. burnett doesn't quite know what to do with the wad of dog poop in paper towels still in his hand. julie snatches it from him and heads for the bathroom. burnett follows. he suddenly realizes that the clean clothes are his. i just threw them in with mine. i had a little accident. sorry. as burnett starts to walk away. listen, mike. i don't have any of my clothes. i wanna go back to my place to get some. i need apparel. that and i need some food that's something more than a cold, slab of fear. all you got in the place are frozen steaks. i'll be ready in just a minute. i thought i'd have you tell -- she stalls at the sight of lowrey, a little spark of interest passes between them. hi. i'm julie. you must be marcus. i recognize you from all the photographs. nice to meet you. what do you think? he said we were going to a club tonight. oh, that's fuckin' swell! and you call this protective custody? i'm here all day. i'm alone and scared. and all i got to protect me is chet the doorman -- it was my babies, luke and duke. they get nervous in new surroundings. i offered to pay for the cleaning, but mike wouldn't hear of it -- lowrey spots rings from glasses on the table. marcus, you act like it's your place. so, mike. any other spontaneous naked women with keys, that we should know about? i feel safer now. she turns and exits back into the bedroom. burnett's about to follow when lowrey swings him outside the door- way and gets into his face. the guy who killed max. i remember something he said! three little angels! the guy who killed max said 'three little -- julie sees noah and freezes. as she grabs lowrey. that's him! just getting out of the car as the station blows. they shield themselves against the explosion. that's it. that's it. you're both crazy. julie takes a few steps away before she decides to give them the other barrel. protect and serve. sound familiar? isn't that what you're supposed to do? 'cuz i'd like to know whose butt you're protecting. all you care about is getting your dope back. no, that's not all, you care about getting it back in a way that shows how fucking macho and tough you are. it's all some big testosterone contest. well, fuck that. as julie walks in one direction, burnett blows off in the other. that's what i'm afraid of. once again, julie pulls away. but lowrey's got her tight. and close. he digs deep. do they teach charm at the academy? i'm really sorry about the dog pee. they must be traumatized by the new surroundings. i'll pay for new cushions. so, mike. can i ask you something? do you always come to bed with your clothes on? or just when there's a woman in it? really. you think marcus would wear clothes to bed while on protective duty? oh, i definitely have a cop thing, too. well marcus. he's very something . sexy. and the way i came in tonight, he was throwing everybody this way and that and he took control. i know. you drove well. that's right, you did. and it was exciting. but marcus. something about him. his wife. what's her name? i'll bet theresa is takin' care of business right now. you know, relieve his tension. a woman'll do anything to keep a man like that. you know what i mean? tonight. made me a little bit horny, i guess. i think, maybe. it was the car chase. or the guns and everything. i've never shot a gun before. maybe it's the steel or something. i'm feeling a little. funny. i don't know. do you feel a little funny? not that kind of funny. you know. funny. usually the guy throws me out after he fucks me. you prick! first you don't want me. then you drag me out. oh, wait. i get it. you're one of those post-adolescent assholes who didn't get any car sex in high school -- i'm getting really tired of this shit! so where's the coffee and donuts? i thought that was the usual menu when cops were on stakeout. a little caffeine for the heart. some sugar-coated dough fried in day old grease. oh, i'm sorry, marcus. all these hours on the case, you must miss theresa's home cooking. bet last night she fixed you up something yummy and left it in the microwave for you. burnett starts to steam. i imagine there was something yummy waiting for you when you finally made it to bed -- guess we know the answer to that one. wha? lowrey has the keys in the ignition and is stomping on the gas. so what am i gonna do? what? where you going? so, i guess when you get back, it's gonna be over. which one do you want? the tall one or the short one? thought so. julie watches theresa charge headlong into -- you think i didn't know? god, you are so stupid! and to think i let you use me like you did, max. why? wait. i know why. because you said you needed me. jesus, who's the stupid one now? fuck you! julie slams a fist into lowrey's face. the elevator doors shut. then burnett comes hauling down the corridor with theresa at his heels. he pounds the elevator button. on floor. in the middle. crawling for cover when -- i forget the formula. big gun, big dick? no. little gun, big dick? no. big gun, little dick? yeah. yeah. i think that's it. michael! her voice echoes. he threw it in the -- ow. this shit really hurts. you got a real way with kids, lowrey. 95: bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 11. 37 continued: 37 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 12. 38 continued: 38 bad boys - rev. 6. 20. 94 12a. 39 continued: 39 francine, a civilian employee of the narcotics unit. she's got pictures of her children parked around her computer desktop. and though dowdy would be a compliment, she's usually got a pleasant smile for the boys. except today. bad boys - rev. 6. 21. 94 14. 41 continued: 41 bad boys - rev. 6. 21. 94 15. 41 continued: 41 bad boys - rev. 6. 21. 94 15a. 41 continued: 41 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 18. 46 continued: 46 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 19. 48 continued: 48 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 20. 50 continued: 50 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 22. 53 continued: 53 lowrey braves the body and gingerly pokes around his pockets. bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 23. 55 continued: 55 bad boys - rev. 6. 21. 94 24. 55 continued: 55 bad boys - rev. 6. 21. 94 25. 57 continued: 57 bad boys - rev. 6. 21. 94 25b. 59 continued: 59 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 33. 81 continued: 81 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 34. 83 continued: 83 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 35. 84 continued: 84 lowrey's phone rings. but howard's close so he picks it up. bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 37. 90 continued: 90 he notices his gold wedding band, hastily removes it. just as he drops it into his jacket pocket -- bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 37a. 92 continued: 92 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 38. 92 continued: 92 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 39. 92 continued: 92 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 40. bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 40a. 98 continued: 98 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 46a. 104 continued: 104 he hastily fishes into his jacket pocket, but too late -- doris slams the door in his face, locks it. off burnett's pained expression -- bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 49. 106 continued: 106 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 52. 112 continued: 112 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 52a. 115 continued: 115 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 53. 116 continued: 116 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 pm 54. 117 continued: 117 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 57. 121 continued: 121 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 58. 122 continued: 122 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 61. 125 continued: 125 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 62. 131 continued: 131 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 62a. 131 continued: 131 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 62b. a132 continued: a132 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 62c. a132 continued: a132 burnett snatches lowrey's box and puts it back on the shelf. bad boys - rev. 6. 21. 94 64. 134 continued: 134 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 65. 136 continued: 136 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 67. 137 continued: 137 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 68. a139 continued: a139 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 71. 145 continued: 145 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 72. 151 continued: 151 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 73. 154 continued: 154 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 77. b167 continued: b167 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 78. b167 continued: b167 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 80. 182 continued: 182 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 80a. 182 continued: 182 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 82. 187 continued: 187 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 83. 192 continued: 192 bad boys - rev. 6. 20. 94 84a. 199 continued: 199 lowrey hauls back and belts him. burnett tears into lowrey and the two roll around on the lawn. bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 85. 201 continued: 201 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 87. 205 continued: 205 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 88. a207 continued: a207 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 88a. a207 continued: a207 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 90. 208 continued: 208 bad boys - rev. 6. 23. 94 91. 208 continued: 208 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 92. 209 continued: 209 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 93. 209 continued: 209 bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 97. 223 continued: 223 bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 99a. 231 continued: 231 they sweep into the lobby, stalling just inside the doorway when they realize that their target is right there in front of them, frozen like a deer caught in the proberbial headlights. to the right and left, people at the mailboxes. chet on the phone behind the desk. but he's looking at julie. then. bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 100. 231 continued: 231 burnett and lowrey step out in time to see julie looking to them and the bad guys about to make their move. bad boys - rev. 6. 22. 94 101. 231 continued: 231 with a gun in her side, he backs away and shoves her through the exit. casper and ferguson follow. bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 118. 298 continued: 298 fouchet raises julie's hand high in the air to show all of them the handcuffs when -- ka-pow! -- a shot rings bad boys - rev. 6. 24. 94 pm 120. 301 continued: 301 burnett shuts the door on the camera. the screen goes to black. then under credits: