marcus, what are you doing? that was how we got a three bedroom house filled with little burnetts. she crawls from bed. quincy, never-you-mind. and take those things off in the house! jill, stop with the book and eat your breakfast. marcus, why do i always have to discipline the kids? you play bad cop for a second. alongside the kitchen screen door we see lowrey's porsche roar to a stop in the driveway. don't kiss me, lowrey. i don't know where those lips were last night. don't go tellin' my son about your sleazy sex life? i don't want him knowing about it either! gives him ideas. hello? oh, sure. which one of them do you want? lowrey accepts the phone from theresa and talks. not so fast. you were going to take the kids to school today, remember, hon? i have a job interview. lowrey rolls his eyes. marcus. i need you to stop at save-more on the way home and pick up exactly what's on the list. she hands burnett a long list. you never had to go to cleveland on police business before. but what about us? the neighborhood's had all break-ins. i won't feel safe if you're -- oh, no, not lowrey. not in my house. why don't they send him to cleveland? why's he taking your car? where you think you're going? i got a list here of things that marcus was supposed -- standing in the doorway. hands on her hips. thank you, but i'll tuck the kids in. say good night to uncle mike. if you were my husband, i'd poison that. twelve years i'm married, michael. and i never let marcus bring his work home. we don't need any violence in this household and we certainly don't need any more heroes. what we need is a father and a husband. you wanna know why i page him? because until that phone rings, i don't know whether he's dead or alive. and lemme tell you. those three minutes i'm waiting for him to call back? those are the hardest three minutes for a cop's wife. sheets and pillows are in the hope chest. i'll see you in the morning. oh, it's nothing. i just bought some clothes. it's been so long since i bought anything nice. i just wanted something to wear for marcus when he got home. but nothing looks right. he's slipping away from me, mike. i can feel it. you think he'll like it? i mean, i want him to, you know, want to. yeah. good night, uncle mike. mike! in a heartbeat, lowrey charges into theresa's room in his underwear. i heard a noise. i think someone's outside. mike? are you okay! kids, you go over to the neighbors' house. i'll be right back. mommy's going to cleveland. announce this! in a motherly flash, she's got chet by the ear and she's dragging him over to the elevator. he yowls the whole way until he sticks his master pass-card in the elevator lock. theresa lets go. oh, i got plenty in me to kill 'em both. but it's the short one i'm gonna divorce. she pushes past. save your crap, mike. it ain't cleveland, neither. you stayed away from home just one night too many, marcus. marcus, i love you. didn't you know? we got us a new babysitter. she kisses him. it's quality time, marcus.