anything i can do for you? no. i was only. who's gandi? maybe he's just passing through. what do we do? i'll tell you where. i think macreedy's a nothing. a nobody. so there's nothing to worry about. but what can he find out? that komako was? suppose he finds out? huh? not me. it's too late for that. he's in this, and he ain't running no place. climbs down from the pinnacle of the cliff and enters a big, powerful '36 packard sedan. well, if it's not macreedy - the world's champion road hog. but such an unfriendly one. now why did you want to crowd me off the road? look what you did to my car. you ought to be careful, man -- all that one-arm driving. it's a threat to life and limb. you could get yourself killed that way -- nosin' all over the countryside. why that's pretty smart of you. how long you intend to keep it up? you still around? i thought you didn't like this place. staying put. no comment, he says. no comment, and all the time he's got my chair. this seat ain't comfortable. i think i'd like the seat you're on. i hope that ain't too much. that's me all over. i'm half hoss, half alligator. mess with me, i'll kick a lung outta you. what do you think of that? talking to you is like pulling teeth. you wear me out. you're a yellow-bellied jap lover. am i right or wrong? you don't like my voice? before that happens, couldn't i pick a fight with you if i tied one hand behind me? if i tied both hands?