stopping? you for black rock? there must be some mistake. i'm hastings, the telegraph agent. nobody told me the train was stopping. i just said they didn't, and they ought to. what i -- want to know, why didn't they? important?! it's the first time the streamliner stopped here in four years. you being met? you visiting folks or something? i mean, whatd'ya want? adobe flat?! no cabs. hello, pete? now, listen. i called the circle t. he ain't got business there -- not if they don't know him. right, mr. smith? what was that? yeah! from that private detective! never heard of him, that's what he says! he checked and there's no john j. macreedy. no listing -- no record -- no information. nothing. you notifyin' the state po-lice? lemonade? it's hot as billy-be-durned. don't you like lemonade? it don't have the muzzle velocity of some other drinks drunk around here, but it's good for what ails you. me? me? me? i guess i am. but what's the use talkin'? you don't know what it's like, being scared. you should be. neither am i. that ain't it, either. look, mr. macreedy. i'm just a good neighbor. i never seen komako in my life. honest. yes, sir.