find smith! you look like you need a hand. john j. macreedy. from los angeles. i wanna know everything he does, pete. check every call -- any mail. in the meantime, i'll crowd him a little. . see if he's got any iron in his blood. you think so? what else you got on your mind? if you had a mind, boy, you'd of heard what pete downstairs said. he said these here rooms are for us cowboys. for our every wish and comfort. when i'm in town. and i'm in town, as any fool can see. you see that, don't you, boy? not at all. but if you want this room real bad. . we could maybe settle your claim without all this talk. if a man don't claim what's rightfully his'n, he's nuthin'. what do you think? you guess so. but still you ain't claimin' this room? you're all the time guessin', boy. don't you ever know anything? i guess i don't rightly know. pretty cool guy. that's it -- that's just it. he pushes too easy. maybe we oughtta. what're you tryin' to say? he'll get us the dope? it's just, i don't like it. don't bet on it. he can only mean trouble. we oughtta see him. talk to him. i only thought. from l.a.? what does he say? who is this guy? could be the wirin'. why don't you look under the hood? it's the wirin', like i said. now wasn't that a good guess? easy. unless, of course, this here wire. . got broke or something. yep. it's the wirin'. your friend's pretty tough. don't be a jerk, tim. now. you want to register a complaint? to register a complaint, boy, you've got to have evidence. you got evidence? you got a big mouth, boy, makin' accusations, disturbin' the peace. there's laws in this county protectin' innocent folks from big mouths. why, i'd just hate to. hmmmm? what you want? so? you want me to tuck him in? smith said he'd be here at midnight. he don't want to be disturbed. you got a match? i thought you didn't have a match.