all filled up. this is 1945, mister. there's been a war on. yeah, but the o.p.a. lingers on. you don't know about the o.p.a. well, for establishments with less'n fifty rooms hotel keepers got to report regularly about. about tenants and. and. registration. there are penalties imposed. well. as i said. they're everyone of 'em locked up. some are show rooms. for cattle buyers, feed salesmen. the others -- they're spoken for, rented to cowboys, ranch hands. they pay by the month. for when they come into town. we provide for their every wish and comfort. you understand? head of the stairs. and in the meantime? this is all. how long you staying? i mean, in the hotel. i. i was just askin'. i was just askin'. i don't know. but you don't have a car. that's all i know about him, mr. smith. where does that leave us? why don't we wait. i mean, maybe he won't find anything. maybe he'll just go away. but there's no danger yet. let's wait and see. she's just a kid. it's not all right! you're so mighty quick to kill -- he's not an animal! all i said. what? you're checking out? nothing till tomorrow morning. the streamliner. tomorrow. after the streamliner. closest stop is sand city -- thirty- two miles away. you're in such a hurry, you should have never got off here. 4-2-4? lines 're busy. nothing. nothing. you'd be smart to get out, too. you're a troublesome dummy. you're liable to end up on your own slab. go home, doc. he's all washed up. you shouldn' of got off. sure. you're a man of action. my memories are so pleasant as it is. he got water, plenty. smith was pretty sore. he didn't like japs anyway. the day after pearl harbor, smith went to sand city. he was sore when he got back. about ten o'clock he started drinking. yeah. hector joined him, and coley. then sam, and about nine p.m. -- me. we were all drunk -- patriotic drunk. we went out to komako's for a little fun, i guess -- scare him a little. we'd seen him around some, but none of us knew him. when he heard us coming, he locked the door. smith started a fire. the jap came running out. his clothes were burning. smith shot him. i didn't even know smith had a gun. god forgive me. you don't have to remind me. i've never forgotten. hello, liz. now listen. i. 'm getting macreedy out of town. i don't care about smith! let him try to kill me -- i might as well be dead as. liz, liz. there's not much of me left any more, but however little it is i won't waste it! i'm telling you because we need your help. . no matter about the past -- you've got to do this! you'd be saving two lives, liz. macreedy's, and mine. all right. yeah. i've told him everything. she'll be here in five minutes. hector! he's still in his room. macreedy, i mean. i thought maybe you wanted to tell smith. come on. i got some in the lobby.