hold it, friend. i ain't hankerin' to get locked in my own jail. as it happens, i'm the host. snort? don't blame you. it's awful. what're you lookin' at? i ain't always this bad -- just that last night me and my pal doc velie, we did a little celebratin'. at least i did. you name it. what do you want? you what? you ain't from around here. up tucson way -- phoenix? mesa? you ain't sellin' cattle nor seed nor nothin' like that? this ain't no information bureau. nobody asked you here. what about adobe flat? a fate worse'n death. you move fast for a crip. for a big man. if there's no further questions. he asked about komako. you think he'll kick up a storm? i don't know. all i know, i don't want trouble around here. never again. i do not. that's the point. maybe there's something i ought to know. maybe i ought to ask you. before the stranger comes back and starts breathing down my neck. thing is, i do worry. maybe i ain't much else, but i'm sure a worrier. and i'm still the law. what is my job, mr. smith? maybe i'd better find out before macreedy does it for me. suppose i decide to try? yes, mr. smith. let smith find himself a new boy. i can't take it another day. if you're a sheriff, they gotta respect you, otherwise you can't do your job. they just laugh. why don't you? you should! four years ago if i'd of done my job. if i'd of checked up and found out what happened. but i didn't! just like smith figured. do you believe it? do you know what happened? me, i didn't even try to find out. don't you understand? when you wear that badge, you're the law. and when something happens, against the law, you're supposed to do something about it. it's your job. me. i did nothin'. and that's what's eatin' me. what kind of prescription you got for that? why not? i reckon that's right, mr. smith. divulging information -- there's a law. could be. but i'm still sheriff. ain't we? i am. not me. i'm useless, and i know it. then let me alone. lemme alone, i tell ya! i got such a headache, i'm bewildered. i hurt all over. i ain't gonna watch, and i ain't gonna get into it, either. i'm gettin' out. i'm sorry, mr. macreedy. nope. but i sure thought the situation was going to be like reversed. i thought i was going to have trouble. . with him. i'll take care of him. just as i took care of his buddies. me, an' doc, and pete. i thought i'd take one last whack at my job. even if smith killed me for it.