got something good for us? i'm gonna need some bread, man. this ain't fair. i'm always here for you, and you can't even take decent care of me. my landlord is bitching like a motherfucker! you're two months behind on the rent, lieutenant! it's nothing. this is new york, man. oh -- i forgot. bowtay needs some cash to buy her new acting headshots out of the developers. it's a good investment, man. she could make serious money! we've been rehearsing a new monologue. from shad's saint joan, you know? bowtay does it wonderfully well. there's nothing! go out and get some diet cokes. i got you a present. better shit then you got, cop! who said anything about the fucking street. i've got more connects than you have, lieutenant. i can't get over what those guys did to her. i just can't. susie's not a virgin anymore. and the nun's not a virgin anymore, either. will they make her leave the convent? it's horrible. they burned her breasts with cigarettes. christ. do you believe in god? do you believe that jesus christ is the son of god?. do you believe in god? i'm not talking about the fucking church. fuck the church. but tell me. do you believe in god? that jesus christ was the son of god and he came to die for your sins. your sins, lieutenant! and look around you! where do you think all this shit came from? you believe that man is the be-all and end-all? ok. ok. fine. but -- do you believe in god? sure, baby sure and you don't do cocaine, either. why? who? c'mere. you got some good blow, right? then c'mere. i got something for you. first i'll put your uptown in the spoon, then, to make it more exciting, i'm gonna add some downtown. they call this thing a speedball, honey, but then you must know that. first time shooting up? sure it is. you're a virgin. just like that nun. and i'm gonna rape you. who? but you could do it, baby. we could use the bread. "the strawberries"? how come all those guys who're looking to get 50 from the church haven't come up with shit? you got some kinda inside track?