you took the chalice. you brought it back to the church. and then it made it's way back to me, again. i was gonna bring it back myself. jesus, woman! what did you think? you thought i'd get mad like i did that time you took that set of pots and pans? that was twenty years ago. and how do you compare pots and pans and a chalice? so what are you doing here? that's no mystery. julio and paolo brought it in, you don't want to hurt those boys, do you? i mean, they sure as hell have got something coming, but it ain't what the law wants to give them. you understand? no. how could you understand. well -- maybe you do. but i don't know where those boys are at right now. you'll have to ask around. those boys on the corner'll know. you'll have to get it out of them. but they know.