how many times are you gonna miss the bus? huh? all the other kids can get up in the morning, but you guys wanna be driven around like the fucking president. i'm your goddamn chauffeur! shut up! listen! all the way with strawberry! shit, man -- there's your fucking bus i oughtta make you late! make the nuns whack the shit outa ya both. get going. no fucking way they're gonna do it in four games straight. go ahead, man.if you've got shit for brains. but if you wanna win the bucks, go with oakland. i know that nigger like he's my brother. he ain't gonna let us off so easy. he'll make us sweat first. this game's going to oakland. not a doubt in my mind, man. i got them all going for oakland. with bullshit money. we'll cover the $800. i want 15 on the mets. hey, man. don't give me that bullshit. don't pussy-out on me. the mets are a fucking lock. i wanna make some money. yeah. i'm sure. hey, man, gimme something cooked! it's good shit. from when they busted those columbians uptown. you can cut it in half. i got this guy. but there's someone across the street on the roof! what the fuck are you? a drug counselor or a drug dealer? and you don't even do your own product! what kind of businessman are you? fuck you. just give me back a little something for the road. didya ever think of moving to a cheaper apartment? $3,500 a month is crazy, man! all right, bowtay. show us your stuff. what's going on? shut the fuck up! go get me a bud. a high boy. and make sure it's fucking cold. i'll straighten this out. how much did they take? take this guy down to the precinct. i need to talk to him. gimme the money! now! give me the fucking money, assholes! what the fuck are ya standing there for? be gone! take over until your boss gets back. gimme a 6 of diet cokes and a 6 of budweiser. brown downtown. there hasn't been any smoking brown on the street in -- did i win? shit! the game! what's the score? what's the fucking score? why me, man? shut the fuck up! did you see that? hey, veronica baby, looking good! what's going down? i'll put it in my trunk. i guess he was a bigtime dealer. what d'ya know. a kilo of 'caine. i can't fucking believe it. what's this shit about a nun getting raped? what's going on? leave it to the catholic church, man. girls get raped everyday, and now they're gonna pay 50 g just because these chicks wore penguin suits! the church is a racket. sure! more than you did. if you know what's good for you, you'll keep staying on oakland! yeah. sure. don't you get it? the series has gotta last seven games. the last two did, didn't they? it's a racket. do you have any idea how much money they make selling television-time for commercials during the series? especially if it's a new york team? they won't close the gold mine after only four games. it'll last a full seven. too many people wanna milk it for what it's worth. you'll see! you'll be sorry, man. but if you wanna be a sissy, here's your bread. we are, man! that's the point! if the mets win, it's thanks to strawberry. if oakland wins, it's thanks to strawberry. nothing can happen out there on the field that don't gotta do with strawberry. so here's to strawberry! i'm in charge of the investigation. just checking security. do you want those guys coming back? for the nun? or for you? have you ever seen a naked nun? i tell you, man, i went to school with the nuns, i've seen hundreds since then and i've never even seen a nun's belly button, you understand? but this nun, let me tell you. what a beautiful lady. and where'd the church get the 50 g in the first place? the fucking church is the biggest scam going. you know what's the real killer? it costs $8,000 per kid for them to go to parochial school. i've got three kids in there already, with two on the way! christ. that fucking reward is my money, man! but that's church policy. the pope is the world's biggest bookie. makes people bet on their own salvation! double or nothing on heaven. you go to hell -- then go to hell. in the beginning was the word, and the word was bullshit. they're alive, aren't they? come on, man! everyone's making such a fucking fuss, just because she's a nun. just because she wears a penguin suit, the church puts up 50 g for the guys who dared to rape her. do you think they'd put up a dime if you got raped? of course not. or even for your little sister? the virgin? like shit they would. she's fucking nine years old! jesus christ. who knows? who knows what their policy is. but i'll tell you, man, that nun. she was beautiful. just beautiful. tall. real tall. i've never seen anything like it. lite, man. where the fuck are you? yeah? at least she's alive! i see people get killed every day! worse yet, tortured first and then killed! the nuns got off easy. jeez. cigarette burns. everyone's all upset about fucking cigarette burns. i'll show you cigarette burns! yeah, i know, i know all about it. enough already about the fucking nuns. yeah. yeah. so just take the bet. don't give me any hassles, man. just put in my bet. 30 g's. yeah. and i got $900 from the cops on oakland. yeah. right. strawberry's gonna knock em dead. of course he is! you know that! yeah. yeah. have faith, man! ok. right. the church is a fucking racket. i know how they operate. i've been part of the racket since the first time some faggot priest spilt water on my head. my aunt lu says i was crying all the way through. yeah, i know their game inside out. now i'm free of it and i'm gonna stay that way. what's to believe? people. yeah. i believe in god the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. you wouldn't put some religious trip on me, would you? good. show me your papers. who's this person? it ain't you, and it ain't you, so who is it? so you took the car from you aunt. stole it. am i right? yeah, yeah. now why don't i just call up your aunt right now and tell her what's gone down. how about that? well, i'm sure we could arrange something. unless you fancy a few days in jail. julio. great. there are 20,000 spics named "julio". i wanna go double or nothing on the next game. i'm not gonna let that bastard take my money there's just no way the mets will lose this game. gooden is pitching and strawberry is ready to break out. that's my problem. just put in my bet. what money? i don't got it. not tonight. you can't get blood from a stone. oooo. big fucking scary guy. just put $120,000 on tomorrow's game. uh-uh. i'm gonna win. just make sure the bet gets in. good. i'll give him an extra 10 grand for his trouble. i hate that motherfucking house and -- i've been dodging bullets since i was fourteen. no one can kill me. i'm fucking blessed. i'm fucking catholic. what case? yeah. sure. yeah. we're on it bigtime. lots of leads. you bet. the mets are gonna win the series. they're a lock. get this, man. i was at the game today. face to fucking face with strawberry! jesus! i saw him strikeout. and you know what? he looked at me, and i looked at him, and he laughed and i laughed and it was like we were all alone in that whole stadium and only we understood that it was all a racket, that he struck out on purpose, and that he's saving it up for the big one. tomorrow. today i understood for the very first time that -- -- that there was never any other way it could have gone. never any other way. so you had better just put in my fucking bet. $120,000 on the last game. the big one. come on! are you a bookmaker, or fucking what? very good. very good. the mets are gonna win tomorrow. uh - right. sure. the mets are gonna win tomorrow. someone just took a shot at me. it's not the drugs, ariane, it's -- it's someone who wants to kill me. you gotta believe me! just kick back, baby. make yourself at home. but of course it won't be nobody's home, if you don't come through with the fucking rent! hello? is large there? look, man. lite gave ne this number. ok? just take a message. tell large to fucking call me right away at 123- 1234. got it? i'm a good friend of lite's, man. it's urgent that -- christ! shit! i could kill them all with my bare hands. those fucking mob assholes. yeah. nah. large? it's still my money. if you want to have a chance at any part of it, shithead, you will take my $120,000 and bet on tomorrow's game. fuck yesterday's game. the world series is seven games not six. put in my bet. there's nothing to think about. either you put in my bet or you ain't getting nothing. yeah, really. i'm no fucking asshole, man. i'm a fucking cop! fuck the nuns, man! i'm talking about strawberry! is the bet down? yeah, sucker. you better be there! can you believe the nerve of this fucking guy? he kills people for fun, and then, he puts up 100 g to bring in some guys who raped a nun. what a sick fuck. man. a wiseguy. paying 100 grand for the rapists if i turn then over direct to him. you mean you could use it. i got it, man! i will find those kids. and i'll get the 50 g from the church! then the kids'll go to jail. i'll be in charge, of course. after a little while, i'll break the fuckers out -- and i'll turn them in to shithead i was just talking to. and pick up his 100 g. no. i'll hit him up for 200 g. or 250 g. l can do it -- 'cause i've got the kids. then, of course, there's the 180 g i'm gonna pick up on the game tonight -- when the strawberries win! the mets. so anyway, chalk up another 180 g for the game. jesus christ! that's almost half a million dollars. ariane! wait. that's not good enough, i'll ask the shithead for 280 g for the kids. then it'll be a perfect 500 thousand. yeah. perfect. 280 g for the kids. yeah, it's good i prepared, or i wouldn't have thought to -- i'm a catholic. listen to me, sister, listen to me good. the other cops'll just put the guys through the system. they're juveniles. they'll walk! get it? but i'll beat the system and do justice. real justice. for you. come on lady! they put out cigarettes on your tits, man! get with the program! don't you want them behind bars? or away from the world for good? how could you forgive these motherfu -- excuse me. these guys. how could you? deep down, don't you want them to pay for what they did to you? don't you want the crime avenged? nun! these boys still have their weapons, sister. your forgiveness will leave blood in its wake. what if they do it to other nuns? other virgins? old women who die from the shock? do you have the rights let these boys go free? can you bear the burden. sister? look. sister. no one has to get killed. we can solve this together. you and me -- as one. these boys are lost sheep. both catholic -- did you know that? and they're sick, sister. with a stress of the mind and of the soul. they need help. not just jail. not just psychiatry. they need the help that only the church can give. please help me to help them. help me find them before the others do. the night is full of evil men, chasing these boys with guns and clubs. we have charity and love on our side. i know that together, we could find them first, even in the dark. me? you can't forgive me. after what i've done. i've fucked up bigtime. i've been bad. real bad. please. please don't forgive me. i've always hated you for that. why? why can't you hate me? hate me! please! help me! hate me! help me! hate me! why? jesus! why me? why can't i wash the ashes from my forehead, year after year after year? and why am i still drunk on your blood, the taste of your flesh on my tongue? worst of all, why can't i feel the nails in my palms, the spear in my side, the crown of thorns round my head? why do i have to know, over and over, that it was you. you who died; died for my sins! and that i will die for nothing. why? why do i dream every night of the whore who brought you water on your road to death? and why have i never forgotten that if she, then i -- oh god, my god. it's goddamn good to be good. forgive me. father, for i have sinned. it's still goddamn good to be good. the chalice. tell me! who gave it to you! tell me where the fuck you got it! take me there! now! in the name of god, you must. we've already got hell, sister. no. not a cop. a holy thing. let's go. they both hold stuff you eat. thank you. and i'll make sure the chalice gets back where it belongs. hey -- have you seen paolo or julio around? you know, my uncle used to wear a walkman all the time. the walkman looked just like yours. and you look something like my uncle. but one day he was standing in a puddle -- the puddle locked just like that one -- and he got electrocuted. look -- i don't know you, and you don't know me, but i'm really in the mood to kill someone today and you are at the end of my gun. have you ever had days like that? yeah, you have, so now you understand where i'm coming from. tell me! where is julio and paolo ? shut up. let's watch the game. strawberry. give me the robes. no. jesus died for your sins, you motherfuckers! not me. no. i didn't die for your sins. no, not me. jesus went and did it. so why did you do what you did? if you want to live, tell me now, motherfuckers! tell me now! i forgive you. get out. if you think you're not getting on this bus, you're dead wrong. no fucking way are you gonna miss this bus, man! you were probably the kind of kids who had your father drive you to school cause you couldn't catch the fucking bus. but no more, man. you're getting on this bus and you're taking it to the last fucking stop. so get on the fucking bus, man, 'cause you're life ain't worth shit in this town.