forgive me father, for i have sinned. it has been two days since my last confession. father, my sin is a terrible sin. a sin of omission. there was another sin that happened at the same time, and in the same place, but my sin i think was graver stil. father, if it was so trivial, so natural, so -- no. i have sinned. and you must listen if you are to prescribe an appropriate act of contrition, and to absolve me. father, what would you do if you had but one day in which to use your arms to serve god? i also thought of that bread, father. and of that night six days ago when the mother superior died, and i kept the cool, damp cloth on her forehead freshly moist. father, what would you do if you had but one day in which to use your legs to serve god? as i have prayed day and night since the desecration of this church yesterday morning -- and my sin. you see, father -- yesterday morning, god gave me but one chance to use something else to serve him. not my arms or my legs, but something i used for the first time, for the last time, and will never use again. my vagina. those boys, those sad, raging boys. they came to me as the needy do. and like many of the needy, they were rude. like all the needy, they took. and like all the needy, they needed. father. i knew them; they learn in our school. and play in our schoolyard. and they are good boys. i could tell you their names now, and i know you'd be bound by a sacred vow to keep my secret. but i cannot tell you their names. for i, too, am bound. as i am bound now to confess my sins. so listen, father listen. i am a nun. what did i give those boys that they could not have found elsewhere? nothing. nothing at all. there were always two of us in the act. the act was half my own. it does not seem to me the act was half the act of a once of christ. it is the lost chance that will remain on the ledger of my sins. not the loss of my virginity. the rape forced upon me a choice. as a vessel of the spirit. i could have imbued my vagina with god. or, i could have turned away from god and voided my body of spirit, so that all that was left for those boys was a lump of flesh. i chose the second path. the easier, path. the path of the material world. the path no nun has the right to take. and so, i sinned. my vagina spread, but spread no word. it opened, on nothingness. it gave nothing at all and left nothing behind. no trace of my act, yes my act. for i was there, too, remains in the landscape of god. jesus turned water to wine. i ought to have turned bitter semen to fertile sperm -- hatred to love. and maybe to have saved their souls. they did not love me. i ought to have loved them. as jesus loved those who reviled him. i ought to have surprised those boys. instead, they surprised me, and got no surprise at all. no, they did not rape a nun. but a nun has been raped. and the nun must now atone for her sin. for a god-given part of her was wasted. a part which other women use for procreation, for conjugal fulfillment, for expressions of love. i had but one chance. and i did nothing but react in pain. when those boys placed their hands upon my breasts, they had nothing but an assortment of skin cells in their grasp. they ought to have felt, through me. the bosom of their redeemer. when they lay on top of me and looked down into my eyes, they saw fear. they should have met the eyes of a lover, and felt the presence of the prince of peace. my vagina. i shall never have again. and never again shall i encounter two boys whose prayer was more legible, more poignant, more anguished. two young men who threw themselves upon the altar and took me with them. and i did nothing for them. i can only hope that someone will. i have already forgiven them. i have forgiven them. i have prayed for days, lieutenant. i have prayed for the souls of the boys who raped me. and i have prayed for my own soul, too. i know what i must do. and i know what i must not do. but you -- you -- it is you who needs to pray. now, why do you want to kill these boys? why -- really? the good reasons are not always the real reasons. talk to jesus, lieutenant. pray. you do you believe in god -- don't you? that jesus christ died for your sins?