"fuck stick"? little friend? "little people," that's what they like. so "fuck stick," that's all? right. mm. no. sure. yeah, a big fuckin' fat one. heeyeah. unfair practices. a lot of special pleading. bitch, bitch, bitch. fuckin' broads. well sure. santa fuckin' someone in the ass. yeah. yeah. i getcha. oh shit yeah. there's always something. your name roger merman? doing three-to-six for embezzlement? you live at 41 sage terrace? they're fine. do you have any house guests? thanks much for your time. god bless. well, it's fucked. yeah. fucked. frankly. clean. as a fuckin' whistle. no. nothing. i mean, shit, he curses, yeah. but never around children. no criminal record, no parking tickets f'christ's sake, no bad habits, even. sex, yeah. but man is a sexual being. fuckin' darwinian. can't do shit about that, jack. wouldn't want to. hope not. end of the human fuckin' race. fucks large women. what can i say. open the rope there, marcus. not yet. act natural. you are willie tugboat soke and you are marcus "the prince" skidmore. on christmas eve, you're gonna rob this store blind. what say we go somewhere private? research, that's how. i'm a department store detective sherlock, that's what i do. seven cities in seven years. pretty impressive. the stores change, your names change. you always get away clean. yeah, pretty darn impressive. but let's face facts -- you all are a couple of half-bucket small-timers. because of your physical attributes you've found a niche. i respect that. but you've also been caught. by me. so this is the way how we gonna do things. i don't want to take over, i don't even want to change your scam. whatever you guys do, it works. all i want is a taste. when the deed is done, we part ways. i buy a ranch in havasu, you take your little medicine show back on the road. half. half. half. half. half. half. half. half. half. half. down the middle on the dough, and any merchandise you take i look over and cherry-pick. it ain't chinese menu, jagoff. i tell yea how the way it's gonna be. this is pricks ficks. sweet jews for jesus. alright, let's get him out of here. i'll go smooth this over with chipeska. food poisoning, something. take him to his car. that figures, you wantin' all kinds of set-asides and special treatment 'cause of your handicap. you're all the same. bitch, bitch. what did you call me, thigh-high? i could stick you up my ass, smallfry. you got some lip on you, midget. jesus, mother mary and joseph! what in the name of the holy lord fuck is the problem now? well, i'll be dipped in dogshit!. what am i, your auto mechanic now? help yourself, small fry. jesus christ, give me those! alright, try it!