i'll give you a dollar to eat this collie. watch your heads. hey. woody. gimme a cigarette. woody wouldn't give me a cigarette. ever notice he don't talk much? how do you know? you hadn't tried them on yet. gimme a dollar for them. cost twenty new. why don't you see if they fit you? i throwed enough trash for today, cato. i'll see you in the morning. what do you mean? hi, i'm kit. i'm not keeping you from anything important, am i? well, i was just messing around over there, thought i'd come over and say hello to you. i'll try anything once. what's your name? i said mine. listen, holly. you want to take a walk with me? well. i got some stuff to say. guess i'm kind of lucky that way. most people don't have anything on their minds, do they? oh, incidentally, my last name is carruthers. sounds a little too much like druthers, doesn't it? well, nobody asked me what i thought. they just hung it on me. nah, i got me a job. well, i don't mind getting up early, so i got a job throwing garbage. i'm not in love with the stuff, okay. hey. wait a minute. when am i going to see you again? sure. i used to throw trash for the city. wouldn't be here if i hadn't. i can't think of anything at the moment. i'd like you to write me out a slip, though, proving i came down here. well. what the hell. just hope there's a breeze. hi. quit my job. just seemed like the right move. whatcha doing? yeah, well, i'm going to work as a cowboy now. or thinking about it. it's a routine, like anything. what do you think? well, at least nobody could get on me about wearing these boots any more. you want to go for a ride? somebody dropped a bag on the sidewalk. everybody did that, the whole town'd be a mess . hi. you're a redhead. anybody ever call you "red"? why not? yeah? it's your play. there's an old fudgesicle over there. you want it? somebody else is going to get it. kids eat that kind of stuff in korea. yeah. yeah. don't ask me. you see where that tree fell in the water? you know what i think? that we should crunch our hands with this stone. that way we'd never forget what happened today. well, that's the point, stupid. okay, but i'm going to keep it for a souvenir. or maybe one that's lighter. sure is pretty. i wasn't aware there was any law against it. you know holly. well. she means a lot to me, sir. you know, before i met her, nobody could ask me how i was doing with my girl. matter of fact, i didn't really have one. yeah. it okay me leaning on your willys here? listen. i got a lot of respect for her, sir. that's about as good a one as i know to tell you. she'd get along okay. and if she didn't, well, she could take off, just take off, i wouldn't mind. i'd always tell people i deserved it. takes all kinds, sir. hi. i've got a gun here, sir. it's always a good idea to have one around. well, i got it all planned. and i'm taking holly off with me. what for? no, you're not either. cause i can't allow it. hey. hey, wait a minute. suppose i shot you. how'd that be? huh? you want to hear what it sounds like? hey, where you going? i came in the front. he don't need a doctor. you don't believe me, see for yourself. i found a toaster. listen, honey. i don't want to. you said that once already. too late now. they're not going to listen to me. you either. are you kidding? wouldn't be funny. listen, i'll be back in a while. oh. you want to call the police, that's fine. just won't be so hot for me. my girl holly and i have decided to kill ourselves, same way i did her dad. big decision huh? well, the reasons are obvious, and i don't have time to go into them right now. one thing, though. he was provoking me when i popped him. that's what it was like, a pop. course nobody's coming out of this thing happy, especially not us. you can't deny we've had fun, though. which is more than i can say for some. mmmm. that's the end of the message. i run out of things to say. thank you. how you doing? yeah, me too. take a break. red. life of riley, huh? he was nervous. holly! get in the car, red. we don't need this. how you doing, cato? take that sombitch. what you been doing? well, i don't notice us hustling trash, either. where'd you get them antlers? oh, cato, i want you to meet my girl, holly sargis. isn't that funny? that's what he told you, huh? let me finish my supper. we're thinking of going down to texas. holly wants to visit some of her people down there, but after that i don't know. they say mexico's nice. okay. okay. put that down. it's dirty. cato! look at all this junk. i got him in the stomach. he didn't say anything to me about it. bunch of junk. he stole that cage. i saw him doing it. whatcha looking in there for? we can't afford any of that. well, he's gone. he said not to tell. yeah, he said for you to give us a lift into town. you're the ones with the studebaker, aren't you? no. you go in there, i'll have to kill you. can't afford to take chances. let's us step out in this field here. nah, skip that. i'm going to have to keep an eye on you, though. you don't mind? okay, you two, down in the cellar. you promise to stay down there for an hour? you expect me to believe that? i'm going to shut the door. think i got 'em? well, i'm not going down there and look. you tired? yeah, you look tired. listen, honey. when all this is over, i'm going to sit down and buy you a big, thick steak. well, we'll see about that. hey, lookie. they're probably going to blame that on me, too, bastards. hi, i come to check the meter. my tools are in here. oh, this is holly. she's from texas. excuse me. hi. this your place? sorry to barge in on you. anybody else here besides you two? good deal. oh, uh, we're on the run and we'd like to hang out here for a while. couple of hours, maybe. how'd that be? next time i ring that, it means time to clear out. listen to your parents and teachers. they got a line on most things, so don't treat them like enemies. there's always a chance you could learn something. try to keep an open mind. try to understand the viewpoint of others. consider the minority opinion, but try to get along with the majority opinion once it's accepted. course holly and i've had fun, even if it has been rushed, and. so far we're doing fine. hadn't got caught. excuse the grammar. hi. yeah, but the thing about him, he's down with the flu. he's sick. yeah. i'd invite you inside, except it's contagious. don't want to start an epidemic. well, he didn't have it last night. what's that? sure. you have to excuse me now. i have to go back inside. bye. we're out of here, tex. hi, whatcha doing? good a way to kill time as any. she okay? listen, ah . we're going to take the cadillac for a while. how'd that be? don't worry, i won't let her drive. okay, ma'am, let's go . . . come on. you're my friend, aren't you? okay, no monkey business then. groceries. that guy could sell that list i gave him as a sample of my handwriting. anybody ever done that to you before? positive? guess there's no way i'll ever know. for sure. that guy must pay through the nose to keep this place up. lawn, the gas and electric. bagworms. plus the upkeep on the cars. yeah, you get a little money in your pocket, you think all your problems are solved. well, let me tell you, they're not. soon as i start the car. and fix my hat. i don't blame him. i never been to montana. acquaintance of mine has, but i hadn't. never had any reason to. well, i'll catch you a big trout. soon as we get to the mountains. everybody loves trout. maybe we should've tried to hop it. i could've pulled the car up on the tracks, slowed it down some. well, maybe we oughta be stuck here. i'm not saying that i know. well, maybe the slope here is throwing it off some. we ought to find a more flat place. never mind. it doesn't matter. if i'm worth a damn, i'll pick the right direction. and if i'm not, well, i don't care. see what i mean? well, i shouldn't expect miracles, should i? we'll keep on heading for that mountain. just remember i said it wasn't such a hot idea. i could get a job with the mounties. the northwest mounties . hell, i got all the qualifications. i can ride, shoot and. i don't mind the cold. fact. i kind of like the cold. nothing. i was just running off at the mouth. as usual. i was just talking about going after a job. hey. don't lip it. you smoke pall mall? nah, you hadn't seen me when i'm going after something, honey. tough? hey. don't touch that. nat king cole. boy, if i could sing a song like that. i mean, if i could sing a song about the way i feel right now, it'd be a hit. god, what a sight. tell me this, honey. what does a little texas girl like yourself think of a sight like that? love this air. morning. say, you got any gas? well. i'm sorry. sir. but we've got to ask you for it. just a second now. that's your truck. isn't it? well, listen. i'm going to swap you my cadillac. now don't worry. you're getting a fair deal. hell. what's the blue book value on this thing, mildred? name is carruthers. believe i shoot people every now and then. not that i deserve a medal. okay, friend. start running. git. boy. i had a feeling today was going to be the day. helicopter. he's not coming to take us for a ride. either. come on, let's make a run for the car. have you got a better idea? what? what is wrong with you, huh? what is the matter with you, huh!? boy, i don't know what to make of you. people like you. you want a second chance, then listen. twelve noon the grand coulee dam, new year'ss day. 1964. you meet me there. now you got that? hey, anybody here? hi. say,, you got any shells for a savage, a .300 savage? damn. i pissed all mine away shooting up bottles. you want to fill her up for me? please? if you want any of that junk, it's yours. hi. i could've held off an army if i could've gotten behind a rock in the mountains. you better not leave that cadillac sitting out here. you're going to give me a cauliflower ear, sheriff. think i'll take the juice? say, what kind of rifle was that you were shooting at me? you tossed my hat out the window. no. mmmmm. they're okay. i don't know. always wanted to be a criminal, i guess. just not this big a one. takes all kinds though. you think?. it's leather. hey, now here's a real prize. i must've had this about ten years. who's going to get it? there you go. south dakota. where you from? want a comb? yeah, she got out of there, too. eddie fisher. who's yours? damn! want a pen? don't you read the papers? no sir, i hadn't. hey, listen, tom, i don't mean to tell you how to run your show here but these cuffs are pinching. what do you say now? well, i've got to read them first. suppose i could get a coke while i do? you boys keep out of trouble. sure. you want to give me a little slack here? don't worry now. i'm going to get you off these charges. there's a whole lot of other boys out there. you're going to have a lot of fun. boy, we rang the bells, didn't we? i'll say one thing, though. that guy with the deaf maid? he's just lucky he's not dead, too. course it's too bad about your dad. we're going to have to sit down, and talk about that sometime. thank you very much, chief sims. sorry if i caused you any inconvenience. thanks anyway. tom. thanks. i know you do. good luck to you, too. come on, red. sir. where'd you get that hat? boy, i'd like to buy me one of those. think they'll take that into consideration?