entrance. cheeba is putting the portable floor down on the sidewalk. manray sits on the curb, taking the sneakers off and putting on his tap shoes; bottle caps are on the soles of the shoes instead of real taps. crowd, as manray gets busy, people gather to watch. crowd, who applaud as cheeba unfolds a brown shopping bag and holds it out in front of them. conference room. office. dunwitty looks at the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking mid-town manhattan. apartment. cheeba and manray run to the window and look out. floor. cheeba and manray try to push against the crowd. street. the squatters are like roaches in a dark kitchen at night, scrambling as the lights turn on. do you remember those old "raid" commercials. "let's scram, it's raid!!!" fence. they lay still as the fuzz run past them. street. they run in the downpour. street. a huge black chevy suburban follows her, all the windows are tinted jet black, you cannot see it all into it. she notices the vehicle and starts to walk faster. corner. as sloan tries to cross at the corner, the suburban pulls up in front of her, blocking her path. suburban. a tall black man jumps out of the chevy. this is corner. the office. living room. studio. they pass around joints that look like they've been on steroids and 64 ounce jugulars of da bomb malt liquor - liquid crack, the preferred alcoholic beverage of ghetto negroes. all the members of the mau-mau's are african american except one. there is one caucasian member. he goes by the name 1. 16th black, the engineer tech-whiz kid computer geek. table. cheeba and mantan are giddy. sloan looks at delacroix who is visibly not happy. steps. sloan catches up with delacroix at the rest room area. bathroom door. sloan comes out, grabs him inside. ladies' bathroom. sloan and delacroix file past the strange looks of the manager and five women waiting to use the bathroom as they rush in. conference room. delacroix and sloan sit down at the head of the long oval table. space. lulu, a spoken word artist, goes her rendition of "way down on the swanee river."