monogrammed cuff sleeve - the initials p.d. monogrammed shirt pocket - the initials p.d. razor cuts a path through a white foam on a black face. the handsome face of pierre delacroix. manray, who starts to do his thing, and when he starts doing his thing attention must be paid. manray, he pounds out some intricate steps and freezes at the end of the move. ratings charts. dunwitty. fish. dunwitty. he's a bloody pulp. delacroix. delacroix, staring at the blank ream of paper. it is very intimidating. monitor. bernie williams is at the plate for the new york yankees. sign atop monitor. again, it reads "feed the idiot box." paper. he doodles. delacroix, who's wide awake. cheeba, he has a sheet pulled over his head. manray, who's sawing logs, snoring loudly. delacroix. sloan. cheeba. manray. cheeba. a look of surprise is on his face. complete, utter surprise. delacroix, as he watches his creation, it's not a happy face. mantan, he's bringing it home. with the final move, he leaps off the desk into the middle of the office, and freezes. television. we see mantan moreland in some obscure movie. delacroix. he leans against the wall. delacroix delacroix, as the writers continue to ramble on, he lets them jerk off. lulu. delacroix. he interrupts lulu. ruth. sloan, who's trying to disappear. if she sits any lower she'll be under her seat.