everybody say ho!
that'swhati'mtalkin'bout! that'swhati'mtalkin'bout! i want to be the first to welcome you to the second taping of mantan - the new millennium minstrel show.
my name is honeycutt and i want to try something different. can you do this for me?
i'm gonna start a chant and i want y'all to follow me. let's make our own 2 real coons know you're ready to start the show.
let's go niggers. then clap five times like this.
c'mon. it's easy. it's the same thing y'all do out at the yankee game, no different 'cept we changing one word. everybody go it?
alright. here we go. let's go niggers! let's go niggers!
louder. they can't hear you.
you sound so good to me. ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, without further adieu, let's welcome youknowwhoi'mtalkin'about, your two favorite coons, da dusky duo, our stars mantan and sleep 'n eat.
calling all my cousins, you're about to take a trip down to hang 'em high plantation, home of your two favorite coons, mantan and sleep 'n eat.
mantan - the new millennium minstrel show is proudly sponsored by.
da bomb. we'll take you there. and.
timmi hillnigger. keep it really real.
we will be right back with the start of our show, but first, a word from our proud sponsors.
da bomb. yo. it's 125% pure pleasure malt liquor.
clinical testing has found that viagra doesn't work on black "johnson's." that's why our scientists developed da bomb for you. it makes you feel like a man and it makes dem bitches feel like natural women - i mean ho's.
da bomb - 125% pure pleasure malt liquor.
oooooo-weeee!! da bomb makes me wanna get my freak on.
let's have a warm nigger applause for our two favorite coons, mantan and sleep 'n eat. two real coons!
thank you so very much. show me some love.
thank you. my name is honeycutt and i want to welcome you to a very special evening. it's always great coming back to the world famous apollo theatre.
as everybody knows if you can make it here on this stage in front of the most discriminating audience in the world you can make it anywhere. ladies and gentlemen, let's show some real uptown love for mantan the marvelous!
is you a nigga?
ma'am, is you a nigga?
are you a nigger?
are you a nigga?
you. you. him. her. we're all god's niggas. even the lost souls who don't know it are niggas cuz niggas is a beautiful thing.
we apologize for the holdup but without further delay, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let's give it up for mantan.
c'mon, don't be niggardly, give it up. show mantan some love.