'cuse me. please. can you please show me some respect. i'm up here trying to make a living. don't make me have to come over there and whoop you upside ya head. just messin' with ya. but please if you and your lady need to discuss something, take it outside. thank you. don't bring your woman out if you can't keep her in deep check. if my woman ever did something crazy like that i'd put my size 12 dead up in her ass. what do you want? go away, unless you got my money. son. good to seeya. good to seeya. pull up a chair. oh, excuse me, this is my lady dot. honey, pour me and my son a drink. good woman. i trained her right. my game is still strong. no viagra for me, don't need no chemicals. just my tonic. purely for medicinal purposes. i did. i'm not an alcoholic. i just like to drink. how did i end up at the third rate chittlin' circuit greasy hole in the wall in west hell, virginny? is that what you're asking ya daddy? because i had too much pride. too much integrity. i wouldn't lick nobody's butt. some material i refused to do. that's the only reason, period. they only want one certain kind of black comic. all i know is what happened to me. all that other mess i just file into the "life's too short" category. enough about me, what's happening with you? dem white boys giving you a hard time? the truth is never let them seeya sweat. you do that, that's half the battle. three nights charleston, south carolina. in life? i'ma keep on living, having a good drink, got me a good young woman, make a couple of dollars and make people laugh. haven't i always tol' you all nigga's are entertainers? the question is what are you gonna do, peerless? i'm not an alcoholic. i just like to drink. baby, you treat me so good. peerless, you're a good son, i love you. you never gave me no trouble. always keep 'em laughing.