well do something about it. i'm starvin' like marvin. hurry up, i wanna watch hbo. i guess that will come with the rent, gas, and con ed bills, too. yo, check it. this is good and all that but one day soon i want to have much benjamins so i can have a nice crib and pay all my bills. you hear me. and i'm the feet. i'm tired of waiting. my tap shoes. we ran out without my shoes and the floor. i gotta get my stuff. what about our savings? sloan! she knows us. we got evicted from our home. we've both been on the streets for the last week. if it's not too much trouble could you order us some food? what do i have to do? where do i sign? how different? dela, i'm aboard. as long as i get to hoof and get paid too!!! bet. to what? mantan? i don't even care as long as i'm dancing. which reminds me, i need some new kicks. i never had a really real pair before. not a class, not a thing, just picked stuff up by myself. you sing and dance? so what's up with you and dela? are you and him kicking it? knocking boots. y'knowwhati'mtalkin'bout. i'm sure that was the only thing he was impressed with. you look beautiful like that. you're welcome. you shouldn't give up on performing. i think that would probably make you the happiest. when i'm hoofing, i mean really doing my thing, hitting it, nothing compares to that feeling in the world. how do you do? why? dela, i don't know 'bout this. mantan? i'm not playin' myself no mo'. i won't do it anymore. i'm always gonna be that. but i ain't doing no more buck dancing. no. no. cousins, i want all of you to go to your windows. go to your windows and yell, scream with all the life you can muster up inside your assaulted, bruised amd battered bodies. i'm sick and tired of being a nigger and i'm not gonna take it anymore. i wasn't finished doing my dance. whaddup? whaddup? don't start none, won't be none. what did i do? for singing and dancing? if you're gonna kill me, kill me. there is nothing you can do to me. i'm wearing the taps of bill "bojangles" robinson.