first, i would like to say i love the show. it's very courageous. my parents marched in selma, alabama with dr. king. good question, straight to the point. i like your style. because of the content of the show we can expect some spirited reactions. the best defense is offense. you get my point. i've mapped out some strategies to help bolster our position. that this is fun. nice wholesome fun. the mantan manifesto. catchy ain't it? number one. we gainfully employ african americans, in front of and behind the cameras. two. let the audience decide. three. who put these critics in charge? these so-called cultural police? four. who determines what is black? five. mantan is a satire. six. if they can't take a joke, "f" 'em. i've done my research. monsieur delacroix, i got my phd in african-american studies from yale, so i do feel i'm qualified. thank you. and always smile. wear kente cloth, invoke the name of dr. martin luther king, use the word "community" often when talking about mantan. and finally our biggest plus is you, pierre delacroix. this show was created, conceived by you, a non-threatening african- american male. voila. end of argument. it can't be racist because you're black.