how's the audience? good. i'm not sure about this material. you really think so? it's the bone breaking stuff i'm worried about. you really think so? show. and this is my very best friend mantan. the big apple, new york, new york. our alabamy home. now we're getting countrified. we is bama's. tell 'em what you mean mistuh mantan. give or cousins some of dem educated feets. cousins, first, second, third and distant, let's have mantan take us all the way back to a much more simpler time. a time wen men were men, women were women, and neggras knew their place. you tellin' the truth. the one with da big. oh her. no, not that. how 'bout. too bad. how 'bout a dress? mantan, way too short, too tight. get her one of dose. that'll work. i just bought one for myself. not for me, my woolly headed cotton pickin' friend for. that was vicki, her best friend. dat dress will cast ya round. aconite get it dat cheap. we should go out on a double date. no. that's her second cousin. who's married to li'l bit. no, she didn't. i heard different, thought that was. so when are you comin' to pick us up? too early. too late, maybe around. that's what i like about you and me. we git along. like grits and butter. like sleep and eat. we'd better hide. you slept too near where you got in? you expect the unexpected in circumstances of that peculiarity. mantan, it is possible that my hyphenated sentences are entirely too complex for all the intellect contained in that diminutive coconut? ain't jemima on the pancake box? how be dat? well, i'll be an alabama porch monkey's uncle. mantan, dat sho' is a whopper. a song a comin' i feel. de money i did save. to dat yeller gal i gave. for to keep till we was wed. she told me dat nobody'd get away dat cash. i'll take good care of date, she said.