he, my father! i would as soon call one of your ladyship's footmen, papa! mother, you have offended my father. dear child, what a pity it is i am not dead for your sake! the cosgroves would then have a worthy representative, and enjoy all the benefits of the illustrious blood of the james' of duganstown, would they not, mr. james cosgrove? look you now, mister roderick james, from this moment on, i will submit to no further chastisement from you! do you understand that? take heed, mister james. i will shoot you if you lay hands on me now, or ever again. is that entirely clear to you, sir? don't you think he fits my shoes very well, sir richard wargrave? madam, i have borne as long as mortal could endure the ill- treatment of the insolent irish upstart, whom you have taken into your bed. it is not only the lowness of his birth, and the general brutality of his manners which disgusts me, but the shameful nature of his conduct towards your ladyship, his brutal and ungentlemanlike behavior, his open infidelity, his habits of extravagance, intoxication, his shameless robberies and swindling of my property and yours. it is these insults to you which shock and annoy me more than the ruffian's infamous conduct to myself. i would have stood by your ladyship, as i promised, but you seem to have taken latterly your husband's part; and, as i cannot personally chastise this low-bred ruffian, who, to our shame be it spoken, is the husband of my mother, and as i cannot bear to witness his treatment of you, and loathe his horrible society as if it were the plague, i am determined to quit my native country, at least during his detested life, or during my own. i have no doubt that you said and did, sir, everything that a blackguard could say or do. this lady is now safe under the protection of her relations and the law, and need fear your infamous persecutions no longer. i would not sully my sword with the blood of such a ruffian. if the scoundrel remains in london another day, he will be seized as a common swindler. and the country will be rid of such a villain.