no, dorothy, except for you and four others, i vow before all the gods, my heart had never felt the soft flame. do you mean you never felt an inclination for another? darling dorothea! and ought to be whipped for his impudence, but never fear, miss dugan, i shall not touch him, your favorite is safe from me. when ladies make presents to gentlemen, it is time for other gentlemen to retire. you are perfectly welcome, miss, as many yards as you like. i'll send for the usher to cane you, little boy, but as for you, miss, i have the honor to wish you a good day. i'll tell you what it is, mr. dugan. i have had enough of miss dugan here and your irish ways. i ain't used to 'em, sir. it's not the english way, for ladies to have two lovers, and, so, mr. dugan, i'll thank you to pay me the sum you owe me, and i resign all claims to this young lady. if she has a fancy for school-boys, let her take 'em, sir. i never was more in earnest. and, i'll tell you what, mr. dugan, i've been insulted grossly in this house. i ain't at all satisfied with these here ways of going on. i'm an englishman, i am, and a man of property; and i -- i -- i'm not afraid of highwaymen. my man is armed, and so am i. if the young feller will go to dublin, as proposed. ten, sir, and make them short ones, do you hear, captain grogan?