hold your tongue, you fool -- hold your tongue! you fool! you great blundering marplot -- you silly beggarly brat -- hold your tongue! the fact is, sir, that the young monkey has fallen in love with dorothy, and finding her and the captain mighty sweet in the garden today, he was for murdering jack best. if you're insulted, and not satisfied, remember there's two of us, best. both of us ride home with best here. you know the use of arms very well, best, and no one can doubt your courage; but michael and i will see you home for all that. we'll sleep in best's quarters. we're going to stop a week there. and, in another week, my boy. oh, yes! dead lame. and very lucky for you, roderick, my boy. you were a dead man else, for he is a devil of a fellow -- isn't he, grogan? hang the business. i hate it. i'm ashamed of it. say you're sorry, roderick. you can easily say that. there's nothing else for it. take your ground, grogan -- twelve paces, i suppose? don't bully, mr. best. here are the pistols. god bless you, my boy; and when i count three, fire. they are all right, never fear. it's one of mine. yours will serve, if they are needed, for the next round. how is it with you? we are not cowards, grogan, whatever he was! let's get the boy off as quick as we may. your man shall go for a cart, and take away the body of this unhappy gentleman. this has been a sad day's work for our family, roderick james, and you have robbed us of fifteen-hundred a-year. i'll go with you. the boy must go into hiding, for a short time anyway. dublin is the best place for him to go, and there wait until matters are blown over. i wish that were true, auntie dear, but i'm afraid the bailiffs may already be on their way from kilwangan.