give him his discharge! bon dieu! you are a model of probity! you'll never succeed to my place, my dear nephew, if you are no wiser than you are just now. make the fellow as useful to you as you please. you say he has a good manner and a frank countenance, that he can lie with assurance, and fight, you say, on a pinch. the scoundrel does not want for good qualities. as long as you have the regiment in terrorem over him, you can do as you like with him. once let him loose, and the lad is likely to give you the slip. keep on promising him; promise to make him a general, if you like. what the deuce do i care? there are spies enough to be had in this town without him. does this assignment interest you? was he cheated? hmm-mmmm. a meeting with the prince of turbingen is impossible. will you be able to return here tomorrow without arousing suspicion? the king has determined to send the chevalier out of the country. then this must be done tomorrow.