papa, please don't flog brookside today. it wasn't his fault -- really is wasn't.
hello, papa!
did you buy the horse, papa?
but i will have it on my birthday, won't i?
good night, papa.
one of the boys in the stable told nelly that you've already bought my horse, and that it's at doolan's farm, where mick the groom is breaking it in. is that true, papa?
then it's true! it's true! oh, thank you, papa! thank you!
i promise, mama.
yes, papa.
you won't whip me, will you, papa?
papa, i beg you and mama to pardon me for any acts of disobedience i have been guilty of towards you.
where is brooksy? i would like to see him.
is he all right, papa?
brooksy was better than you, papa, he used not to swear so, and he taught me many good things while you were away.
i beg you not to quarrel so, but to love each other, so that we might meet again in heaven where brooksy told me quarrelsome people never go.