neighbor, i'd feel better about the damned inconvenience if you'd let me buy you a drink. all right, hell, you trying to work and me carrying on in there. look, the liquor's good, wuddya say? you got a glass? it's the least i can do. yeah, just a nip. i feel like hell, all the carryings-on next door. what kind of work do you do, barton, if you don't mind my asking? you don't say. that's a tough racket. my hat's off to anyone who can make a go of it. damned interesting work, i'd imagine. damned difficult, i'd imagine. hell no! call me charlie. well barton, you might say i sell peace of mind. insurance is my game – door-to-door, human contact, still the only way to move merchandise. in spite of what you might think from tonight, i'm pretty good at it. hell yes. because i believe in it. fire, theft, and casualty are not things that only happen to other people – that's what i tell 'em. writing doesn't work out, you might want to look into it. providing for basic human need – a fella could do worse. what kind of scribbler are you – newspaperman did you say? pictures! jesus! i'm sorry, brother, i was just sitting here thinking i was talking to some ambitious youngster, eager to make good. hell, you've got it made! writing for pictures! beating out that competition! and me being patronizing! is the egg showing or what?! oh, it's an exciting time then. i'm not the best-read mug on the planet, so i guess it's no surprise i didn't recognize your name. jesus, i feel like a heel. hell, why not? everyone wants quality. what kind of venue, that is to say, thematically, uh. caught me trying to be fancy! yeah, that's it, bart. well ain't that a kick in the head! hell, i could tell you some stories– i can see you feel pretty strongly about it. i can feel my butt getting sore already. and i could tell you some stories – yeah, i guess that's tragedy right there. whatever that means. hell no! jesus, i'm the kind of guy, i'll let you know if i'm bored. i find it all pretty damned interesting. i'm the kind schmoe who's generally interested in the other guy's point of view. well christ, if there's any way i can contribute, or help, or whatever– well, i can tell you some stories – and look, i'm sorry as hell about the interruption. too much revelry late at night, you forget there are other people in the world. howdy, neighbor. jesus, i hope i'm not interrupting you again. i heard you walking around in here. figured i'd drop by. oh, yeah. an ear infection, chronic thing. goes away for a while, but it always comes back. gotta put cotton in it to staunch the flow of pus. don't worry, it's not contagious. ah, doctors. what's he gonna tell me? can't trade my head in for a new one. thanks, i'd invite you over to my place, but it's a goddamn mess. you married, bart? i myself have yet to be lassoed. got a sweetheart? yeah, the ladies do ask for attention. in my experience, they pretend to give it, but it's generally a smoke- screen for demanding it back – with interest. how about family, bart? how're you fixed in that department? mine have passed on. it's just the three of us now. what's the expression – me myself and i. mm. you're no stranger to loneliness, then. i guess i got no beef; especially where the dames are concerned. in my line of work i get opportunities galore – always on the wing, you know what i'm saying. i could tell stories to curl your hair – but it looks like you've already heard 'em! that's me in kansas city, plying my trade. it was taken by one of my policy holders. they're more than just customers to me, barton. they really appreciate what i have to offer them. ya see, her hubby was out of town at the time – not at all. it's damned interesting. beery! you got no beef there! he's good. hell of an actor – though, for my money, you can't beat jack oakie. a stitch, oakie. funny stuff, funny stuff. but don't get me wrong – beery, a wrestling picture, that could be a pip. wrestled some myself back in school. i guess you know the basic moves. okay, but hell, you should know what it is. i can show you in about thirty seconds. you're a little out of your weight class, but just for purposes of demonstration – not a bit of it, compadre! easiest thing in the world! you just get down on your knees to my left, slap your right hand here. and your left hand here. you can do it, champ! all right now, when i say "ready. wrestle!" you try and pin me, and i try and pin you. that's the whole game. got it? ready. wrestle! damn, there i go again. we're gonna wake the downstairs neighbors. i didn't hurt ya, did i? well, that's all that wrestling is. except usually there's more grunting and squirming before the pin. well, it's your first time. and you're out of your weight class. jesus, i did hurt you! i'm just a big, clumsy lug. i sure do apologize. you sure you're okay? well, it wasn't fair of me to do that. i'm pretty well endowed physically. don't feel bad, though. i wouldn't be much of a match for you at mental gymnastics. gimme a holler if you need anything. i hope these are your shoes. because that would mean they gave you mine. jesus, what a day i've had. ever had one of those days? jesus, what a day. felt like i couldn't've sold ice water in the sahara. jesus. okay, so you don't want insurance, so okay, that's your loss. but god, people can be rude. feel like i have to talk to a normal person like just to restore a little of my. a little lift, yeah. good thing they bottle it, huh pal? did i say rude? people can be goddamn cruel. especially some of their housewives. okay, so i've got a weight problem. that's my cross to bear. i dunno. defense against what? insurance? something they need? something they should be thanking me for offering? a little peace of mind?. finally decided to knock off early, take your advice. went to see a doctor about this. he told me it was an ear infection. ten dollars, please. i said, hell, i told you my ear was infected. why don't you give me ten dollars? well, that led to an argument. listen to me belly-achin'. as if my problems amounted to a hill of beans. how goes the life of the mind? those two love-birds next door drivin' you nuts? know about it? i can practically see how they're doin' it. brother, i wish i had a piece of that. seems like i hear everything that goes on in this dump. pipes or somethin'. i'm just glad i don't have to ply my trade in the wee-wee hours. ah, you'll lick this picture business, believe me. you've got a head on your shoulders. what is it they say? where there's a head, there's a hope? that proves you really are a writer! thanks, brother. but the fact is, i gotta pull up stakes temporarily. in a few days. out to your stompin' grounds as a matter of fact – new york city. things have gotten all balled up at the head office. well hell, buddy, don't pull a long face! this is still home for me – i keep my room, and i'll be back sooner or later. and – mark my words – by the time i get back you're picture'll be finished. i know it. christ! your room does that too? what a dump. i guess it seems pathetic to a guy like you. well it's pathetic, isn't it? i mean to a guy from new york. this kind of heat. it's pathetic. so they say. course not, compadre. you'll see me again. are you all right? can i come in? are you sure – barton. are you all right? why don't we go to your room- get a grip on yourself, brother. whatever the problem is, we'll sort it out. don't worry about it, barton. we can sort it- okay. jesus. jesus. jesus have mercy. jesus, barton, what the hell is this? what're we gonna do? hold on – hold on – hold on. stop. take a deep breath. tell me what happened. i believe you, brother, but this don't look good. hold on. i said hold on, so hold on. what do you think happened? stop with the police! wake up, friend! this does not look good! they hang people for this! i believe you – i know you. but why should the police? did you. barton, between you and me, did you have sexual intercourse? jesus. they can tell that. you're in pictures, barton. even if you got cleared eventually, this would ruin you. wait in the bathroom. you passed out. she's dead, barton! if that was her name. barton, listen to me. you gotta act like nothing's happened. put this totally out of your head. i know that's hard, but your play from here on out is just to go about business as usual. give us some time to sort this out. just put it out of you head. barton. can i come in? have to, old timer. just for a while. everything's okay, believe me. i know it's rough mentally, but everything's taken care of. it's okay. it's okay. you gotta get a grip on, brother. you gotta just carry on – just for a few days, till i get back. try and stay here, keep your door locked. don't talk to anyone. we just gotta keep our heads and we'll figure it out. dammit, don't argue with me. you asked me to believe you – well i do. now don't argue with me. look, pal – can you do something for me? keep this for me, till i get back. it's just personal stuff. i don't wanna drag it with me, but i don't trust 'em downstairs, and i'd like to think it's in good hands. funny, huh, when everything that's important to a guy, everything he wants to keep from a lifetime – when he can fit it into a little box like that. i guess. i guess it's kind of pathetic. well, keep it for me. maybe it'll bring you good luck. yeah, it'll help you finish your script. you'll think about me. make me your wrestler. then you'll lick that story of yours. yeah, well, see you soon, friend. you're gonna be fine. don't worry about that, compadre. i'll be back. he leans slowly down to put the briefcase on the floor. look upon me! look upon me! i'll show you the life of the mind!! look upon me! i'll show you the life of the mind! i'll show you the life of the mind! heil hitler. tightens a finger over both triggers. he squeezes. barton! brother, is it hot. how you been, buddy? don't look at me like that, neighbor. it's just me – charlie. jesus, people can be cruel. if it's not my build, it's my personality. they say i'm a madman, barton, but i'm not mad at anyone. honest i'm not. most guys i just feel sorry for. yeah. it tears me up inside, to think about what they're going through. how trapped they are. i understand it. i feel for 'em. so i try and help them out. jesus. yeah. i know what it feels like, when things get all balled up at the head office. it puts you through hell, barton. so i help people out. i just wish someone would do as much for me. jesus it's hot. sometimes it gets so hot, i wanna crawl right out of my skin. because you don't listen! jesus, i'm dripping again. c'mon barton, you think you know about pain? you think i made your life hell? take a look around this dump. you're just a tourist with a typewriter, barton. i live here. don't you understand that. and you come into my home. and you complain that i'm making too. much. noise. don't be. i'm getting off the merry-go-round. i'll be next door if you need me. oh, i dropped in on your folks. and uncle dave? good people. by the way, that package i gave you? i lied. it isn't mine.