what do you do, fink? big fuckin' deal. would that be good enough for ya? jesus! ain't that a load off! you live in 605? is this multiple choice? that's right, fink, he lives next door to you. yeah, and i'm buck rogers. also known as madman mundt. funny. as in, he likes to ventilate people with a shotgun and then cut their heads off. started in kansas city. couple of housewives. doctor. ear, nose and throat man,. well, some of his throat was there. good luck with no fuckin' head. hollywood precinct finds another stiff yesterday. not too far from here. this one's better looking than the doc. but, you know, with the head still on. no reputable company would hire a guy like that. ya know, fink, ordinarily we say anything you might remember could be helpful. but i'll be frank with you: that is not helpful. fink. that's a jewish name, isn't it? yeah, i didn't think this dump was restricted. mundt has disappeared. i don't think he'll be back. but. give me a call if you see him. or if you remember something that isn't totally idiotic. mother: what is to become of him. father: we'll be hearing from that crazy wrestler. and i don't mean a postcard. fade out. the end. i thought you said you were a writer. second one of your friends to end up dead. sixth floor too high for you, fink? no kidding, bright boy – we smelt mundt all over this. was he the idea man? only fry you once. he teach you to do it? you're a sick fuck, fink. fred. fred. tensed. behind him, deutsch gulps. there's a boy, mundt. put the policy case down and your mitts in the air. he's complying.