i don't like baseball. hardy grins as osborne stops her watch at 2:41. i asked for a policeman. it's. too slow. i just don't like it. i don't know. i like the army. you did basic here? there's no need. yeah. okay. hardy smiles at him, gets up, and leaves. i'm not telling you what happened. some. first day was when i met pike. sarge hated him from the beginning. sir, dunbar, sir! sir, yes, sir! west draws one of his pistols and gives it to him. sir, yes, sir! fifteen guys quit that day. but not pike. time went on and the sarge started singling people out. one of the cadets, a small man named anderson, falls from the log. screaming, west dives into the pit and pulls anderson out, knocking him on the head with a pistol. he'd zero in on a fella and ride him till he quit. those who wouldn't quit, he'd put in what he called section eight. washout rejects, guys he said were , "dumbfucks too stupid to know they were dead". he separated us from the rest. we slept alone. . .ate alone. . and trained long after the other guys got to turn in. fellas lived in daily fear of being sectioned and with good reason, too. west pulls nunez out of line by his ear and kicks him over towards a separate muster of our four section eighters. they figured we were the boys who'd meet with a "training accident" . nunez takes a place among them. looking absolutely terrified. no, ma'am, he just wanted us to quit. making it through was kind of an honor. some of the other guys on the base told us that if you could hack section eight, command would consider you at the top of the class. that first night with pike. i made the mistake of letting him sit down at around 0300. there were six of us. mueller was from tulsa, a real good ol' boy type. one of those "his daddy's daddy's daddy died at bull run and no bleeding heart yankee was gonna take away his scatter gun" . he idolized west. muller, grinning, as west kicks his ass to pick up the pace. next to him is nunez, a strapping hulk of a manchild. and nunez idolized mueller. big fella from new mexico. after he got sectioned he just followed mueller around like a lap dog. he wasn't mean like mueller, though, didn't have it in him. next to nunez is childs, small and weasely with feral eyes. but childs did. didn't talk to anyone, but you got this feeling something was wrong with him, like real wrong. type of guy you felt uncomfortable going to sleep near. behind childs runs pike. pike i told you about. he took the brunt of it from mueller and west. once they found it out he was a convict they were merciless. he'd been busted for auto theft, judge gave him the option of jailor the army. he made the wrong choice. next to pike, dunbar and kendall run side by side. kendall is short like childs, but also weak. wheezing. finally kendall and me. kendall was a smart guy, we got along okay. pike and i tried to help him, but. kendall falters and pike stops to try and help him up. west smacks the him away, practically kicking kendall to his feet. he was sickly. had that shaking thing, whatd'yacall it, epoxy? yeah. spent half his time in the infirmary. only reason he enlisted was his father. west didn't section him till last week. this is one of those interrogation tricks, isn't it? you don't give me a cigarette till i tell you more. he's right. we don't have a choice. we finished the course and came here, then heard an explosion- where's pike? what do you mean, alone? he wouldn't kill anybody. . . i hated west, childs hated west, everyone with a goddamn brain hated west but that doesn't mean we killed him! shut up. let me see your grenades. we were each given three so whoever killed west will be missing one. mueller angrily digs into his sack and pulls out his grenades. whose blood is that, jay? west's. what do you mean, west's? that son of a bitch. he's lying. i'm serious- hardy leans across the table. did kendall tell you about the px? no, did he tell you about it? about the business childs ran? pills, shots, you name it, basic's a lot easier when you don't feel pain- didn't shoot west- you think you know everything, don't you? you haven't even scratched the surface. hardy leans across the table, looks dunbar dead in the eye. apologize- of course- the creek bed- yeah- one went off, yeah, but it didn't touch him- i thought you knew this- holy fuck. holy fuck, what the fuck did you guys do? he's lying, then. we didn't see mueller till we got to the cabin. west. he's dead. osborne (v.o.} back up. yeah. so did we. why didn't you come? i didn't buy it. but mueller had all three of his grenades. pike came back. where have you been, jay? shut up. west's dead. a beat. where have you been, jay? pike, suddenly understanding. fear creeping into his face. we just want to check your pack- you know it's not like that- tie him up. yeah. pike takes a deep breath. you hated west more than any of us. you're the only one missing a grenade. if not you, then who? oh, come on- that's exactly what he says about you. you hated west, mueller loved him- bullshit. why? you're lying- why. why didn't you tell me? that still doesn't mean you didn't kill him. full clip to the body- his chest was hamburger- they? i. i don't know. this is a lot of information to be getting. i have to think- no. no, we can just wait till we get back and then tell the m.p.'s- don't do this- pike, eyes locked with mueller. continuing: put it down! so you killed him? you too? and then i killed the last of them. flashcut to - nunez, chest blown open, going down. can i have some coffee? osborne blinks, like a trance has been broken. they would have killed us both. you want me to write a confession, i'll write a confession. but not pike's. osborne hands him the coffee. would you have believed me? their faces say "no". osborne spreads a map out on the table. don't know on a map. west told us it was there, we just found it. maybe the hurricane took it away. mr. hardy, i joined the army for college money. i didn't ask for any of this - i tried to do the right thing out there and people got killed. you say finding those bodies'll help me, then go find them. i don't want to die. you wanna bet? sorry, detectives. time's up. as the m.p.'s grab hardy, dragging him away. osborne, trying to stop them. dunbar, climbing the stairs onto the plane. osborne pulls her sidearm, levelling it at him as hardy yells: you want to talk about baseball now? can't do that now, though, can you? is that what i did, now? and of course, you can prove all of it. did i ever claim i was raymond dunbar? was i ever told to state my name rank and serial number for the record? no. you assumed who i was, because i was wearing this uniform. don't believe me? he reaches under the table and rips out the hidden microphone. check your tapes. hardy and osborne exchange an uneasy glance. oh, you don't? what else do you have on me? you haven't found any bodies yet, have you? ohhhh, i don't think so. just a guess. maybe they're not where they're supposed to be. maybe somebody moved them. habeas corpus - no bodies, no crime, and nunez still plays as self defense. face it detectives . you have nothing. jesus! please, please don't- you'll never find it- you'll never find it cause he's not dead! a crash as the door's lock snaps and m.p.'s pour into the room! styles and the jag lawyer behind, taking in the scene. he- he made me do it- hunting- we had to hunt him- there never was an exercise! never targets, never teams, i don't even know if there's a creek bed out there- as the m.p.'s grab hardy and osborne, pulling them away. i couldn't kill him! he breaks down sobbing. styles holds up a hand to the m.p.'s. you're right. i was the one he singled out. beat me morning, noon, and night, ran me ragged. when mueller found me, i was gone. he gave me a little taste. what i didn't know, was his friend was west. he ran the whole thing. you think it's easy to have all that morphine just disappear without a higher up authorizing it? check the requisition orders, i'll lay money it's his signature on them. that was his game, see? ride the cadets so hard they'd need something to stay on their feet. then he'd send mueller or kendall to them, waving around their magic needle promising to make it all go away. he hits the plunger, injecting. his face goes tranquil. it wasn't a new thing either. he'd been doing this for years. every nine weeks, a new class of cadets, new potential customers. the amount of money involved over that period of time. this was some high stakes shit. he takes a deep breath, looking at them. dunbar moved his through the kitchen. i worked in the motor pool and hooked all the mechanics. by the time the hurricane hit, we were all in. some using, some pushing, some both. but then something happened. west heard one of us was about to talk, to blow his whole operation. he figured he'd made enough money, had enough of the army, maybe it was time to disappear. but first he was gonna teach us one last thing. the tuesday night drill was the perfect cover. the hurricane made it even better. he put us on the chopper and flew us to his cabin. and then he told us. it was insanity. we were hunting a man down to kill him. he got mueller first. nunez tackles him at full speed, feet slipping on the wet hill, and the two tumble head first into a gully. punching, kicking, biting, anything to stop the other man. he took his gun. used it on childs. nunez spins, seeing childs behind him. he dives as childs fires! hits the ground in a roll, comes up with mueller's rifle, and shoots - blowing childs back against the wet rocks. i can't imagine what it was like. having your friends try to kill you. nunez slumps against the gully's wall, breathing hard. in agony over what he's just had to do. but you do what you have to survive. closing his eyes, nunez steels himself. wipes the blood from his hands and climbs out of the gully. kendall and i found dunbar a couple minutes later. time cut to: dunbar and kendall come upon pike's fallen form. they gaze down at the uniform emblazoned with the name "dunbar". it came to me in a split second. change clothes, change identities. if james pike gets discharged he goes right back to jail. but if i was dunbar, i could walk away from all this with a new life. but then. as he reaches down for the uniform, a shot rings out. i just want to go! nunez shakes his head. i have to get kendall to a hospital! we don't have to do this! you go that way, i'll go this way! nunez laughs. you killed three people! isn't that enough for one night? more silence. neither moves. the sky above, a maelstrom. i don't want to die out here, roberto! do you? nunez, staring at him. deciding. forgive me. . and dunbar fires. nunez, caught by the burst, goes down. the echo of the gunshots, swallowed by the storm. dunbar lowers his head in agony. west walks down. i guess nunez wasn't dead after all. he came after us with a vengeance. you know the rest. you won't find them. won't find west, either. he's too good. just four people mia. silence. i don't want any deals. all the proof you need will be when west comes back and puts a bullet in my brain. but i'll do it. i'm a dead man, anyway. like kendall. we both should have died out there with our brothers. i know that now. silence. the jag lawyer looks to hardy, all anger gone. tell me, detective. did you get what you wanted? hardy shakes his head, sadly. your weapons, sergeant. west doesn't move. kendall walks over and disarms west, pushing him into the circle next to the terrified nunez. washout rejects, guys he said were "dumbfucks too stupid to know they dead". you haven't found any bodies yet, have you. are you ready for this?