we track with kendall and childs as they head away from the landing zoe, rifles up, heads down, side by side. moving the brush quickly and quietly, eyes scanning for targets. as kendall safeties his rifle and lowers it. the sound of a tremendous explosion comes from their right! kendall and childs knocked off their feet as the sky momentarily lights up with the blast as a man screams! kendall, childs, and mueller make their way through the bush. the wind and rain have conspired into a full blown hurricane. the three men are practically stumbling now, leaning in against it to stay on their feet. kendall spies something through the maelstrom. it looks like wet wood. he points: dunbar pulls kendall from the cabin's wreckage. as kendall begins to talk to him, dunbar's eyes widen in shock. . lightning, thunder, and rain as nunez runs unarmed through the thick brush. somewhere behind him - the other five fan out, rifles up, following his trail, ready to kill.