the powder was cocaine, high- quality, high-content. he inhaled it; there were minute quantities on his lips and penis. mr. boz leaves five million dollars, no insurance, no direct survivors. he liked his coke, he liked his girls, and he liked rock and roll. bobby vasquez? you never tied him up. how did you meet mr. boz? we got a call from berkeley p.d. there was a killing. a professor. icepick. in his bed. multiple stab wounds. 1977. take care, you hear? you're on leave, man. you're on psycho leave. i'm talking to a possible whacko here. the boat blew. there was a leak in the gas line. there were two previous repairs. there was a five-mil policy on both of 'em. a real heavy investigation. zilch. goose-egg. it was an accident. full name, roxanne hardy. last address -- cloverdale, california. no priors, no convictions. the car is registered to catherine tramell. i can get my butt kicked for this. you're not supposed to be in here. hey, that's dr. gardner, isn't it? lieutenant. thirty-eight caliber revolver. thanks. ballistics says the .38 we found in her apartment matches nilsen. no registration. they're checking with salinas. the icepick is the same brand and model as the boz weapon.