who was this fuckin' guy? i never heard of him. not now he don't. what's the chief's office doin' here. maybe the maid did it. it ain't the maid. that rules the maid out for sure. i thought you said he was a rock and roll star. what's that over there? they're executives. they're nervous about everything. ain't that cute? they got his and her pig-assos, son. i'm a smart sonofabitch. i just hide it. homicide. when was the last time you saw john boz? were you with him last night? he was murdered. what are you -- a pro? listen, lady, we can do this downtown if you -- talcott's in there. they're waiting. how'd it go, son? hallelujah. what about his girlfriend? most times i can't tell shit from shinola, doc. what was all that you just said? we've got a top-of-the-line, once- in-a-lifetime loony-tune either way you cut it -- that's what you're saying, right, doc? you know what they say: it takes one to know one. you have the right to an attorney. you workin' on another book? it must really be somehtin' --makin' stuff up all the time. how's that? i like that. "suspension of disbelief." do you use drugs, ms. tramell? what kind of drugs? that's pretty cold, ain't it, lady? what you doin', son? not unless she got up in the ring and turned into one mean sonofabitch. maybe it's for old-time's sake. he ain't that way. he's got heart. he looks a little shrunk, that's all. you're already gettin' psychological input, son. ain't you go nothin' better to do than to come in here and jack off the damn machine? i came in here to jack off the damn machine. one dead psychology professor. noah goldstein. dr. noah goldstein. and guess what? he was her counselor. no, sir. they never even got a statement from her. hell yes! couldn't get it outta my head for years. still can't. nice little kids -- nice husband, wasn't porkin' around -- no financial problems. one day -- outta the clear blue sky -- she does 'em. all of 'em. used a knife. he got for a wedding present. didn't even deny it. sweet as honey. said she didn't know why she done it. what's goin' down, son? no, sir. you won't. there's smoke off yonder on the horizon. they're gonna want your badge. you sure got real conclusive ways of demonstrating that. what is it you got between you? somethin', though. one shot. close range. probably a .38 caliber revolver. i don't son, but i got the minority opinion. well, hell, son, it's got a certain ring to it, i'll say that. forgive me for askin', son, and i don't mean to belabor the obvious, but why is it that you've got your head so far up your own ass? everybody that she plays with dies. where in the fuck you been? i went over to your place. i went over last night, too. you. fucked her! goddamn dumb sonofabitch. you fucked her! goddamn, you are one dumb sonofabitch -- i don't give a. flyin'. chili- bean. fart about aids! what in the hell for? you think i'm gettin' any at my age? i don't like blue-haired women. i don't like 'em. say what? i feel fine! how could you fuck her? you wanna die, son? what is it -- those goddamn tourists -- you still feel so bad about that you're wigglin' your way into an icepi -- we got too many goddamn tourists comin' here anyway -- plenty more goddamn tourists where they goddamn came from. why the hell not? that's her pussy talkin' --he gets a real nasty look from a very fat woman eating a cheeseburger. he winks at her. the woman looks away from him, shaking her head. it ain't your brain. i.a. done did a track on lt. martin d for dickhead nilsen. they found a safety deposit box with fifty- thousand dollars in it, taken out three months ago, used that one time. maybe it wasn't her that paid him. maybe the money was for somethin' else. how the fuck do i know? i'm just an old city cowboy tryin' not to fall outta his saddle. in that little pissant car of yours? hell, no. i ain't gettin' no back pain disability retirement -- i'm gettin' me a full pension and a real gold-plate seiko watch. you think i'd let you drive my cadillac car? i ain't lettin' no hear-up-his-ass person drive my cadillac car. she's right. you got an icepick in you yet? you know that stuff they say about how you can judge people by their friends? why not? i'm gonna make you believe in it, friend. what was the motive? ain't that hard, son. this young farmgirl, she got tired of all that attention goin' to her little brothers -- she fixed 'em. just like 'ole hazel dobkins fixed her whole family -- except young roxy here, she didn't use a wedding present. she used daddy's razor. it sure makes you wonder what they talked about when they set themselves down in front of the campfire at night. you ever met any of her friends who hasn't killed somebody. it musta beat your ordinary everyday girl talk. which one you talkin' about now, son? we know ole hazel did it; we know young roxy did it -- and the other one well, hell, she's got that magna come lawdy pussy on her that done fried up your brain. so nilsen had a report on her -- so what. you don't know what the hell was in it? if she's telling you the truth. how did she know nilsen knew about it -- if it happened? she'd have to be nuttier than a twenty-pound christmas fruitcake. she's not the one who hangs out with multiple murderers -- your girlfriend is. goddamn writers -- all they do is use up trees and ruin people's eyes. there's gotta be somebody at berkeley who knows what the hell happened. you got goddamn tweety-birds flutterin' around your head, that's what you got. you think you're gonna fuck like minks, raise rugrats, and live happily ever after? oh, man. catherine tramell's roommate her freshman year. i got a call from her. i've been calling people who were in her dorm all day. she must've heard i was trying to talk to her. she says she knows all about catherine and lisa henderson. she's over in oakland. you wanna come with me? you look like you seen a ghost, son? johnny boz's psychiatrist has an office on van ness. guess who he shares office space with? dr. elizabeth gardner. what in hell's the matter with you? where the hell you goin'? she said alone -- suite 405. it ain't gonna take long.